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On Saturday night I believe it was I got my hands on the trial edition of the Spore Creature Creator. Unfortunately, I did get to play it until last night. emilie & I have been making tons of these little critters!
Hopefully sometime today we'll be getting the full demo version, I know I pre-ordered it last night. I'll probably buy a couple copies (for $10, why not!). That means we'll get access to even more body parts and stuff. It's definitely going to be awesome. I even made that ClipShare site (which is where the above video comes from) so I could upload my own videos and stuff. What a pain in the butt, but I finally got it working :) I know Spore integrates with YouTube, but I hate relying on other people/services haha
So besides playing Spore yesterday, I worked at the barn. I brought the baby kitties a new box. I used the big one from my State Line order. It was actually not as big as I thought it was, after seeing the kitties inside of it. It worked out really well. They're starting to become a lot more lively, and are looking to play a lot. After the barn, I got some food shopping done. Got these awesome chips, can't remember what they're called.
Before heading to the barn and all though, I spent the morning, installing Mac OS X Leopard Server on my Xserve. The poor PowerBook had had enough of being the server I think. The little laptop can't handle such tasks haha So I migrated all my iTunes stuff over and got it working with the AppleTV. Works pretty well now, although the server sucks up a lot more energy and all. I also got my PC up and running so I could play the Spore trial later that night.
We got Chinese food last night, quite delicious. Then we spent like hours and hours playing with the Spore Creature Creator. I was up until like 2am working on that video site and playing Spore. Unfortunately I got up around 7am today, which sucks, but oh well, I'll probably take a nap this afternoon or something. I've got a consulting appointment around 10am today, should be pretty simple, but who knows. I've got to install Mac OS X Leopard Server on a PowerMac G5 and then migrate some data over. Hopefully they'll be using OpenDNS so I won't have to worry about setting up a proxy server of some type.
So hopefully sometime today the full version of the Creature Creator comes out. I pre-ordered it last night. If not, well I've still got lots of ideas to mess around with and we've got a bunch of new movies to watch. I got every Dirty Jobs episode, so we'll have fun watching those.
Have a lovely Tuesday everyone!