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Weekend! [31 May 2008|10:04am]
[ mood | creative ]

Friday I had some consulting in the morning. Definitely a lot of fun. It was for this private school, religious I believe but fun. They've got a nice little network going but it looks like they're out-growing it. They've got this tangerine iBook running their proxy server, a little funny, but I think we'll be upgrading that with either Squid or OpenDNS. Only spent an hour there, basically just going over things, so there's some research to be done but it'll be fun.

Did some work from home in the afternoon, got a bunch of emails out and did some web work. I was going to go out and get some dinner, either from the pub or form that new Thai place, but I ended up having some delicious army food. Haha

I was going to go riding this morning but it's pretty crappy out, raining. I do think it's going to clear up so probably this afternoon I'll hit up the barn. I ordered a new saddle pad last night along with some muzzle/ear shavers. I can't wait to use them, pretty up my horses face haha

[info]emilie will be home today, I don't think we're going to do anything tonight, might get take-out from the Thai place. I really hope tomorrow is nice, because I want to go riding with Emilie. We'll see though.

Have a love day everyone!

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[ viewing | May 31st, 2008 ]
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