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[HELP] PSP Hacks [29 Apr 2008|04:00am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | //Senses Fail - "Dreaming a Reality"// ]

Hey, this is another call out to [info]confining, I've been putting off hacking my PSP for like a week or two now, because I knew it'd be a pain in the ass, and it appears as if it definitely is.

So here's what I've got:

1. Sony PSP Fat w/ firmware 3.1.1
2. That battery service tool from CodeJunkies
3. A laptop with Windows
4. That Pandora application & those firmwares that come with it
5. A 512MB Memory Stick Pro Duo -- blank

So yeah, I cannot figure out from the directions what to do, it did mention copying some battery and installation applications over to the memory stick, yet I do not see those, so I'm a bit confused!

Anyways, if you can help me out that'd be great :) & much appreciated, I really wanna get it going now that I got my hands on an extra PSP. If you want you can iChat/AIM me, my screen name is under my profile on Scribbld, or if you prefer another instant messenger, I can do whatever!


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GTA IV, Hacking, Shooting & Zombies! [29 Apr 2008|01:02pm]
[ mood | good ]

As usual, my excuse for not updating is the fact that I've been super busy. Have been on a bunch of consulting calls, working at the barn, and playing with my new guns.

I finally got my hands on some guns. I got a Tokyo Marui MP5 RAS with a flashlight, aimpoint, vertical grip and a suppressor. It's a bit customized, but not to much. It was used but it seriously looks and works like it's brand new. You can definitely tell the difference between a Tokyo Marui and something else, it shoots really nice, smooth, straight and fast! My second gun is a rifle, I got the MP5 for CQB (close quarter battle), and the rifle is a Classic Army M15A4. I had the guy change stocks to something a little bit more tactile looking, but because we did that I have to have a battery pouch on the stock. Not a big deal, worth the trade-off. I also added a really nice scope, a vertical grip and a flashlight.

I also snagged a Tokyo Marui Glock, which is REALLY NICE. I've only fired it a couple times, because I forgot gas the second time.

Definitely kickass! I also bought a few extra magazines for both the MP5, the rifle and the glock. I am pretty much armed to the teeth and ready to play!

On Sunday (this past Sunday), [info]emilie and I shot the MP5 and the rifle, (not the glock since I forgot the gas). Definitely obliterated the targets which was fun! There's one magazine I got for my MP5 which completey sucks, I think it's a low or medium cap, not cool. It sucks to load too.

On Saturday, we went out with my good friends to the Japanese restaurant (Koto) and had some really good food! Then we went to see this movie the girls picked out called Baby Momma or something. Terrible, don't ever see it. But it was really nice to hang out with my friends. It was actually Keith and his wife. He got me a Gears of War poster, 2 REAL grenades (obviously not live), and a book, er actually 2 books, the first one is the Mac Apple II DOS book, as a joke, and quite funny, and a zombie survival guide book. The zombie book is awesome, I'm only on page 20 or so, but it's kinda freaky in that it really makes everything they talk about sound so real. Definitely a good book, check it out!

So Monday, not much happened, I bought some woodland camo gear. I'm going to order the woodland UTG vest from AirsoftGI probably since the Army/Navy store here doesn't have it in the woodland camo. One of the ladies who works there annoys me, she's so stupid, bad customer service skills. Doesn't appear to want to be helpful ever, which sucks. I'll probably not go there anymore and order my gear from another place.

I've been on the Vermont Airsoft boards, looking to meet new people and hopefully play some with them...also joined the NEASG boards...some guy on there told me the battery I needed for my aimpoint and it was right...very good.

Today, not much else, I finally got ahold of Joe, apparently the $25,000 loan he was supposed to get never came through which sucks a lot. I also talked to my good buddy Cliff who should be back in VT within a month or so, and only for a month which sucks, but he'll be down in Boston which isn't too far, especially if I'm going down there a couple times this summer to play shoot em' up with Greg.

I got my hands on Grand Theft Auto IV and started playing it this morning/afternoon. It's REALLY GOOD. I had a lot of fun with GTAIII, but then it all started to get to be boring and too repetitive, and now it's like I've not played it since maybe when Vice City first came out, and I'm really enjoying it! Awesome game, haven't shot, fought or killed anything yet, but driving around the city is amazing. They really did an awesome job, it looks beautiful! I'm only like 20-30 minutes in, but it's a wonderful game so far!

I've been attempting to hack my PSP, but it's just too much for me right now, they need some really good directions or something cause I don't have time to troubleshoot and sort that crap out. See previous post if you can lend a hand! I wish it was much easier then it is, I have a couple games, I really wanna try out! Driver for Playstation being one of them :)

So anyways, Keith and I are going to see Iron Man on Friday after work, that'll be awesome, we might go shoot my guns if I get my goddamn charger. I should be getting that and some more gear on the 1st of May which is Thursday, HOPEFULLY!

I think I've covered everything, maybe tonight Emilie and I will relax, watch 10,000 BC and eat some popcorn, but first we're making a chocolate mousse pie! It's going to be amazing and yummy.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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