jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Working & Coding [07 Apr 2008|02:28pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | //Anberlin - "*fin"// ]

Well, this is the first time in a while where I've not gone weeks between updates. Anyways, [info]emilie and I watched Enchanted last night. It had a few funny parts, but I mostly watched it because she wanted to see it. It was fun though. We've also watched the last four episodes of South Park, they too had their funny parts, but it really started getting lame. Some of the shit they put on that show is just stupid...rather old news...

Today, I pretty much built a brand new website for the Vermont Ice Cream Company. I like it myself. It just needs some meat inside of it. More copy and then it'll pretty much be ready to go. I also have to talk with [info]morgan about getting a fix so that when I do a folder listing the icons for folders and files show up properly instead of broken image icons. Should be a quick fix though.

I plan to spend this afternoon finishing up that website, encoding some more anime, and reading Anime Insider. Just relaxing. I finished my chores at the barn, it was so nice today too. I also groomed Nippet and wow, I could made another horse with all the hair that's shedding from him. He's also getting fat so I definitely need to get back into riding and exercising him. But with the nice weather there should be no reason to not do that.

I've also updated [info]usernames so check it out. I've updated my comments too, I've made sure that I get emails instead of just Inbox messages. I dunno why, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to send messages to my Inbox when someone leaves a comment in the communities I own. If anyone knows, please tell me!

I am also looking for someone to help me with making an S2 style. I did leave a comment on [info]kirie's journal but I have not heard anything back.

Okay, everyone have a lovely day! Take care.

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