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Guitar Hero Wednesdays [23 Jan 2008|08:58am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | // AFI - "The Interview" // ]

Today is my wonderful day off. I almost would rather work today and not Saturday though. I definitely won't be working every Saturday though, I will not let something like that happen for the amount they're paying me. Maybe every other Saturday or something, but definitely not every Saturday.

So last night was game night (anyone who has Xbox 360 is invited to join me!) except Morgan didn't get on till much later :( I did get some Call of Duty 4 in, but it was kinda laggy so I quit after a couple games. I got some directions on how to make a Japanese account on the PSN so I did do that and I got a demo of PixelJunk Monster. If you're familiar with Desktop Tower Defense (that neat flash game), it's a lot like that. A lot of fun, unfortunately the demo was only 2 levels and one of them was a tutorial level. Odd how I got the demo from the Japanese store, yet it was in English...I think I'll buy the game when it comes out tomorrow. I also played some flOw. I "unlocked" 3-4 of the critters. It's definitely a fun game, semi-addicting. I just want to keep playing it and eating things haha So yeah that was probably the most I've used my PS3 in who knows how long. I definitely want to play some more flOw tonight and unlock all the little critters.

I did get to sleep in today which was really nice. I didn't really even sleep in that much, I just woke up when I wanted too which was about 8:15am. I could still do that on a normal day, I dunno why I don't.

I finally got all 4 seasons of MXC and now the first one is encoding. Also snagging Air [Movie] and the episodes. I have .hack//roots to gank the subtitles from and then I can encode those. Lots of fun.

Today I've got to get some laundry done and then I am going to Sam's to play some Guitar Hero. I do enjoy hanging out with her, I can only imagine how crazy this is going to be. I just hate driving to Warren, to far away. It'll be fun though.

I have to take some pictures of my little catfish I got over the weekend, they're wicked rad. I still don't have names for them.

Alright, well I suppose I should get some breakfast eaten, dishes cleaned so I can get that laundry done and some Guitar Hero played...peace.

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