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Japanese [21 Jan 2008|08:30pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | // The Pillows - "Bitten (Drama)" // ]

Well for a Monday it didn't totally suck. Although there was an email that I got that annoyed me, and I'm going to have to talk to my manager about it. Apparently someone in the store is supposed to also be checking sales emails and manning the phones and checking the voice mails. I clearly remember signing on for retail store work and consulting, not phones and shit like that. I definitely WILL NOT be doing either, and if they think otherwise they're in for a surprise. If they need someone to do that they can either A. hire someone or B. not accept phone orders over the weekend. I am not really sure why retail store employees should be doing that, you need to hire someone else to do that, or not send me the email about it :)

Anyways, the store was pretty slow, I sold a MacBook but that's about it. Had some returns, not bad, a few annoyed customers, but nothing terrible, some people are just complete tards :P Work went pretty quickly though so it wasn't too bad.

I did get to work on making sure my crons were setup correctly and adjusted a few. Looks okay to me though.

Worked at the barn this evening. I think the horses had been out for most of the day, the stalls were pretty clean. It was so goddamn cold though. I managed to get done within a half hour though which was nice, my car was still warm when I got back in to come home.

I finally got access to movies again. So I got my hands on Juno and 5-6 others. I had to re-downlod Tekkon Kinkreet cause I forgot to put the subs in, and I got some other anime. I need more more more!!!

I studied some Japanese tonight, learned ha, hi, he, fu and ho. Made sure I remembered all my other characters too which I did fine with. I do enjoy learning Japanese, it's a really wonderful language.

I watched some LittleBigPlanet videos today (http://www.gametrailers.com/game/4491.html), I also found some trailers for Crisis Core, but have yet to watch them, maybe tomorrow when I am bored at work. I really can't wait for either game!

Well I think I may go watch a movie with Emilie now.

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