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Lazy Sunday [20 Jan 2008|11:22pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Yesterday work was okay. It wasn't anything special, actually it was a pretty slow day so I cannot complain to much. Not too many idiots, either, really only one that stands out. What a moron, I was telling him we don't guarantee any data on machines that come in for service and that all his stuff should be backed up anyways, so he acted like a dick so I acted like one right back. Asshat.

Oh, in the morning (previous to going to work) I managed to destroy the LCD on Emilie's Dell so I told her we'd have to go to the store after we both got home from work to get a new one. What fun that was...so after work we hit up the store and got some Sony laptop. What a piece...we didn't do much else yesterday, I worked on de-crappifying that laptop but in the end I decided to return it, one because it was too big (15.4 in is still to big for a laptop for me. I ended up giving Emilie my PowerBook (since i have a MacBook) and using the new laptop for web browser testing. Some people reported the font to be really small in IE on Windows, and they're right, at least under the HTML mode. Under RIch Text the font size is fine, so I think I am going to have to do some CSS tweaking, but now I am getting OT.

Today we had breakfast at KCs since we didn't get to yesterday. After that we went back to the store, returned the Sony laptop and picked up an HP one. It does what I want it to, it's nice and small. As much as I dislike Windows, I don't really hate it that much. You just have to know how to wrangle Windows and how to tame it, it's fine after that. There's also a few subtitle applications that are Windows only. Now I can at least get Parallels off of my iMac and free up like 20GBs.

We also hit up Linens and Things and got this rice steamer, can't wait to use it. I also got 2 fish today from PetsMart, they're spotted catfish. I'll have to take a photo and show you all. They're super rad!! I have to think of some names for them.

Emilie and I worked at the barn today, actually it was more like the night. I was just so tired that I had to have a nap first and then we went. It wasn't to bad, the kitties there are very funny.

We watched Ratatouille tonight, awesome movie. I tried to watch Tekkon Kinreet but it looks like I forgot to add the subtitles in so I couldn't understand it haha.

Work tomorrow, blah, I should probably get to sleep now.

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