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A Quickie! [02 Jan 2008|08:36pm]
Wow, I've been incredibly busy with Scribbld as of late. There's tons of new users, I think a lot from Greatest Journal. It's a lot of fun, but it sure is a lot of work (between normal Scribbld maintenance and [info]usernames). Fortunately the rush came in during the holidays so I had a lot more time to dedicate to the dying server and username requests. But now it's back to work...

I setup my dev servers and my Mac mini in the new rack I bought from Morgan. It's fabulous! The brackets to mount the Cisco switch should be coming by next week, then I can get that all hooked up. It's super sexy. It'd definitely be cool if I could mount the Brother laser printer haha The Mac mini and all the hard drives would/should be mounted too. Someday...

I got my new Japanese learning book from Amazon today. I am going to page through it and study some Japanese after I finish this post. I love learning Japanese, writing it (hiragana) is a lot of fun!!

Also got my bike trainer in today (it was like Christmas for me today if you haven't noticed). Kinda a pain in the ass to setup, but it works really well, My poor ass gets sore after like 30 minutes though. I was watching A Day on the Planet when I was peddling this evening.

Hey, here's some invites to Scribbld if your looking to join us:


If you already have an account, please don't take them, just hit up this page and generate your own!

Ummm and major big thanks to the users who've donated towards a new webserver for us. It's really appreciated!!

Oyasumi nasai! ^___^
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