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Chobits, Maple Story and F.E.A.R [22 Nov 2007|11:25pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

We're on our short little vacation now. I had today and tomorrow off. I won't complain one bit cause it's really nice to have any time off from work. Today I woke up around 9AM, got to sleep in a bit.

I played through most of FEAR in the morning and until about 12. I got to like chapter 8. It's a really good game. I wasn't one for how they used the burst fire more in the guns, but after I got used to it, it was okay. They had some really cool weapons in the game. One of them vaporized people into dust which was awesome. There was also a grenade launcher-like gun and a rocket launcher. The story also got more interesting as I went along, the ending was really interesting and it definitely makes me want to play the expansion pack. I actually tried to install it but it gave me some error. I think I might end up reading about it on Wikipedia instead. It'll take less time, and I have so many video games in queue that need to be played that it might be better choice.

After that, I had a shower and got ready to go to my parents. We got there and had a pretty good time. Lots of good food and stuff. My younger cousins have stepped into the world of video games. They both have Nintendo DS.

Tonight I finished up FEAR. I already talked about what I thought of it a few paragraphs up...I started in on this MMORPG I had been wanting to try for some time. It's Maple Story. I did take a few screenshots while in game. It's a pretty fun game. It's like the 3rd-4th MMORPG I've played. It's definitely different then World of Warcraft but pretty similar to Ragnarok. I do enjoy types, I just wish I had started in on them when they first started up so that I could better understand it all...I guess I just have to play it a lot more. I am a level 7 or 8 now so I have a better grasp of how the games works and stuff.

So I got a lot more anime episodes, I downloaded Death Note, Ah! My Goddess and I am getting Ai Yori Aoshi right now. Poor little Mac mini is burning up on video conversions haha [info]emilie and I are watching some more Chobits right now. I absolutely love it. very funny stuff. Quite interesting too.

Tomorrow I've got to get Emilie to work after we drop her car off at work, after that I might go for a ride since it'll be on the way back from dropping her off. Then I'll probably work on Maple Story some more, or I will start Resident Evil for Gamecube. I've actually never played through the game. I remember my grade-school "girlfriends" Dad playing through it and I got to watch various parts, but I've never really played it myself.

Okie, I think I've said enough for one night, time to focus on Chobits!

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