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It's Been a Few Days... [03 Oct 2007|07:38am]
[ music | // Angels and Airwaves - "The Adventure" // ]

Well it's been a few days since I wrote. On Saturday [info]emilie and I went to the horse show they have each year in town. It wasn't anything big or anything, it usually never is, but we did have fun. We mostly got there and stayed through the kids/teen/adult walk-trot-canter classes, sorta boring but was quite nice to get out. After the show I went to work and got a few things done, managed to get all the cables I needed right from work. Saved me a trip to Burlington/Williston.

Sunday, nothing to eventful, did go to breakfast with my parents and that was nice. I probably did a bit of homework too. Monday was work, but as usual nothing to important happened then either. I did get to move back to my old desk which was nice and I did go out to lunch with a co-worker. Tuesday, mostly un-eventful, but I did leave around 2:30 to bring Jiji to the vets. I am so glad they could fit us in. They were quite nice people, except for this one receptionist lady, what a cranky bitch.

I was going to go back into work but I would hav gotten there around quarter to six so I thought that would be pretty useless.

Took Emilie out to get pizza last night, so that was nice. Kitty is doing a lot better and is much more alive, even within like an hour she seemed a lot cooler and a lot more upbeat which is great. She's eating and drinking much better then before and I am quite pleased. Yay for drugs.

Today is nothing special, 9-5 work, then to the barn, I would like to do some riding but I am not sure if that will happen, I am getting pretty tired. I think it's a rainy day out there too, or just cloudy.

Well I suppose I should go shower and get some breakfast. Over and out...

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