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Mangos and World of Warcraft [20 Dec 2006|08:52am]
I’ve been quite interested in private World of Warcraft servers for some time now. I started out by using UWC software but after Mangos came to the scene I stopped. Mangos is a little bit harder to administer but the effort is well worth it. It’s a far superior piece of software over the WoWEmu. It’s also open source.

First we had someone else do the work for us and give us some notes about how it all worked. That was decent until we wanted to update the software and get some cool new features they had implemented.

Without rambling on and on, the short of it is that we now understand the major parts of Mangos and how it all works and what each piece does. I am still a little confused by something they call ‘ScriptDev’. I am not really sure what that is or what it does. I am sure I will figure it all out eventually, it just takes time….time I don’t really have at the moment!
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[ viewing | December 20th, 2006 ]
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