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WoW: Life after Patch 2.0 [17 Dec 2006|08:53am]
Patch 2.0 came out a couple weeks ago, but just last night I got the chance to play around with it. I actually haven’t played World of Warcraft for about 2-3 months now, so I thought I would take it easy and do some solo-ing last night.

I didn’t. I did get to play with the new LFG tool though. It’s pretty easy to use and I think I like it. I’ve noticed there is 99% less spam in the chat channels which is really nice. No more Steve Irwin or Chuck Norris every 2 seconds. The matchmaking works pretty well, although I found people to be queuing for 5-6 things and blowing off the party I had joined.

I myself queued up for Uldaman since I had 1 quest there ([41d] Necklace Recovery). I ended up getting the necklace about 2 minutes into the thing but we went all the way to the room with the 4 stone bosses. It sure was a lot of fun, and I am glad I will have some more time for questing since school is out for winter break. I do miss being an Orc!

Something I noticed was there seems to be more audible effects in-game. Characters make different sounds and say different things when casting, or calling up minions. I think that’s really cool, one sound clip sounded like the death-knights from Warcraft II.

I just finished getting most of my mods last night, the only one left is Auctioneer and they said it would be about 2 weeks until they were ready. Blizzard seems to have done some stupid (yet justifiable) modifications to how mods can work. I use a mod called All In One Inventory so all my bags (and quiver if I want) appear as one giant bag. I can no longer use potions (by right clicking on them), food, drink, hearthstone from the bag which really sucks. I dragged my hearthstone onto a hot bar, but that still leaves the things that give me life. I hope something gets done about that because that’s ridiculous.

So how is everyone else “WoW: Life After 2.0″ going?!
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