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Windows Vista pwnz Front Row [10 Dec 2006|08:55am]
I’ve been wanting to set up a decent media center for some time now. I actually just recently setup (attempted) one that was going to use Front Row, but it was a failure. All of my movies use the XViD/DiVX codec which doesn’t really play nice with iTunes and Front Row. I actually never got Front Row working because my video card wasn’t supportive of Core Image.

I booted up my Windows Vista machine and started playing around with the Windows Vista Media Center. I already had a nice MCE remote which worked perfectly with Media Center 2005 and worked great with Vista Media Center. I used the Combined Community Codec Pack which includes the XViD and DiVX codecs among tons of others and booted up the Media Center software. It automatically found and wanted to configure my xBox360 (I told it to wait) and then I started loading in the movies on my drives. it did take a bit but that could be because I have almost 1000 movie files.

So now I have a nice media box that took 1/100th the time to setup over Front Row/iTunes and I have a really cool remote to control it all!

I am sure if I had at least a nice little MacMini I would be just as happy. I think it was my fault for trying to get it setup on an older machine and Apple’s fault for being angry towards XViD and DiVX. Although I think Perian would save the day, I would love to do it some day…
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Horse Photography Website [10 Dec 2006|08:55am]
I’ve just finished coding up my final project for my class; Programming for the Internet. it’s called HORSE.13 and I actually use that domain for my main email address.

Check it out here.

It’s mostly to show off Javascript even though Javascript is bad (at least according to Steve Gibson). Hopefully I can figure out a way to change a lot of the javascript to CSS or other languages. Either that or disable all Javascript and only allow a set of trusted website to use it.

Anyways, I’ll report back on the grade that it gets me I am actually a bit happy with how it came it. It would be really cool to get some database goodness in there because that would cut down on the actual HTML files. I could use 1 HTML/PHP page instead of 20. Well ok, there would be more like 5 PHP pages or so, but still!!
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[ viewing | December 10th, 2006 ]
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