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Nintendo Wii - The Initial Thoughts [19 Nov 2006|08:59am]
My girlfriend and I were actually a little late on picking up our Nintendo Wii, I think World of Warcraft and Hexin occupied us for a little longer then we expected. We got to our EBGames around 11:30 this morning. Before we had left I was reading Digg and I found another Vermonter who had been at Best Buy earlier in the morning. It sounds like they had a lot of fun with the projecter, movies and video games!

There was an father and son picking up their Wii ahead of us and the sales associate was telling them they had no remotes left Ouch. Sucks to pre-order something and not to get it when you expect it. Oh well. The other guy infront of me informed us that Toys R’ Us was loaded with extra remotes and other accessories. So I got my Wii, The Legend of Zelda: Twighlight Princess, my extra nunchuck, 2000 Wii points and was on my way. My girlfriend picked up her Wii which is actually sitting on eBay right now in hopes of making a little money…gotta pay the rent!

So we got home and we put my girlfriends unit on eBay and then we went about opening and unpackaging everything. I really hate how well they package the controllers and everything. It’s nice anti-theft but sucks for people who really buy the gear.

The Wii is actually a little larger then I thought it was going to be, but it’s still quite small when sitting next to my xBox 360. It comes with a nice sized power brick (uugh). To my surprise the Gamecube controller slots and memory card slots are on the top of the unit…I just barely learned you can use your GCN controllers with this, very cool.

I was completely clueless on how the remote and nunchuck worked and I am waving around both of them, helplessly trying to set the system up. Fortunately my girlfriend took over and got it work (good thing I have her around!), and we started making our first Mii’s! It’s a lot of fun, just making completely silly ones, but in the end we had a couple Mii’s that resembled us.

I popped in the Wii Sports disk and we proceeded to play that for a couple hours. I beat her in 1 tennis match and that’s it. She blew me away in bowling, all the other tennis matches, boxing…It sure was a lot of fun though. I have a feeling that if you play those games for like an hour or so a day you’ll get fit. They are really cool games, that are a ton of fun.

I haven’t even removed Zelda from the shrinkwrap but after reading several reviews and seeing scores of 10/10 for this game, I am VERY excieted to start playing it!

I also am waiting for Opera and Zelda: OOT, all very cool.

So anyone else snag a Wii?? Let’s hear about it!
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