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Nintendo Wii Mania! [13 Oct 2006|09:02am]

Just yesterday while in class I got an email from EBGames talking about PS3 and Wii pre-orders. I had read about some rumors on various websites saying Friday the 13th would be the pre-order day for Nintendo Wii. So obviously this email was to let me know if that was true or not. Of course it being an HTML email I couldn’t see anything, I thought about just leaving class, but managed to stay!

After getting home and reading the email it did indeed confirm that EBGames, and Gamestop would be taking pre-orders on Friday (today). The email also mentioned they would have VERY limited quantities. I thought they were going to have a lot, especially after seeing that they were ahead of production but a good amount. I got very very excited, and almost headed up to my local EBGames to camp out. Good thing I didn’t, it was pretty cold last night, and playing World of Warcraft until 3:30am was much more fun!

After getting 4 hours of sleep, my girlfriend and I headed up and were actually the FIRST people there. Seeing that we would be safe to leave, we grabbed a couple Chai Teas and hung out inside iParty for awhile.

Around 8:30 the first person showed up, but we decided to wait in the car. Around 9am we got out and waited infront of the store, along with another couple guys who joined.

By 9:15 another couple people had showed up. By 9:30 we were at about 8 people. Someone mentioned the store was going to have 14 units, ouch. Even by 10:00am, opening time there were only 13 people, but the 14th and other showed up while the pre-orders were being taken. Sucks to be the people who got turned away.

I was the 2nd one to pre-order, my girlfriend the 3rd.

All in all, quick and fun! That’s probably the first system I’ve ever gotten at launch and actually there’s NO guarantee we’ll get em at launch although I’ll assume we will.

One thing that irked me was the HD cables are $60!!! Way to much, so hopefully I won’t need them. I’ll be getting The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with my Wii points. I cannot wait!!

Anyone else manage to snag a Wii today!?
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[ viewing | October 13th, 2006 ]
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