Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Cerberus |
[06 Sep 2006|09:13am] |
I’ve had this game since it’s release a couple weeks ago. Believe it or not I just took it out of it’s plastic cellophane wrap yesterday. One thing that got me super psyched about this game was the fact that you could use a mouse and keyboard for control over the normal PS2 controller. I guess that made sense since this game was more like a shooter then an RPG.
Within the first 2 minutes of actual game play I had changed back to the controller. The keyboard/mouse implementation within Dirge of Cerberus is HORRID. It’s sluggish and poorly done. They give enough control in setting up the keyboard and mouse and I couldn’t change which keys did what. I wanted to change A and D to TURN left and right NOT MOVE! I cranked up the speed of the mouse to as high as it could go and it was still horrible. Using the PS2 controller kept me alive during gun fights with enemies. I really wish Square Enix had done a better job with implementing the keyboard and mouse because this could have really been a great game.
I’ve put this game on hold because of this, and I have no idea when I am going to pick it up again. I’m more interested in buying a mount and getting to level 60 with my Warcraft character and playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker.
Oh well, at least the intro movies were really cool!
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker |
[06 Sep 2006|09:13am] |
I know this is quite an old game but I just got it the other day. You might be wondering why it took me so long to buy this game and I’ll say it right here; IT LOOKS SO STUPID!!!
I never nought this game because it looked nothing like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It looks silly, childish and completely un-fun! I played a quick 5 minutes of it on one of the kiosks in Gamestop a couple months back and even then it really didn’t look that great.
A couple days ago I saw it on sale in the local EBGames store so I thought why not? After watching the intro which was pretty gloomy for the most of it, I was able to control Link. The first “level” was bright, colorful and reminded me of the Caribbean. A turn around from the gloomy introduction video.
I have only played a little bit, about 1/4 the way through Forsaken Fortress currently but I actually like the game a lot. It’s got the same type of game play that was in Ocarina of Time, although the button layout is a bit different. I preferred the Nintendo 64 controller to the Gamecube one. I don’t like having a joystick for the C buttons. I also HATE snooping around, IN ANY GAME! Of course this first real level in Wind Waker you have to snoop around the fortress which sucks. I’d rather get out there and kill everything in my path!
I usually go from guides off of but ever guide I’ve looked at for Wind Waker has really sucked so far. They’re very vague, it’s like “jump off there and go to the place”. That’s not too good.
Overall, I’m pretty excited to play this game. It looks a lot better then I took it to be, and although the story is a little eh so far, I have faith in it getting better.