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Your New Network Admin [20 Aug 2006|09:23am]
Alright, so maybe it’s only for a couple weeks and I am in a team of about 4 people. Nonetheless it’s quite exciting and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.

I will admit I am a little nervous, but I only say that because I had a little scare last week, or maybe the week before.

** Que the day dreaming music **

It was normal day, and I was doing a consulting job right in the offices. It’s a good thing. Suddenly the 2nd in command messaged me telling me out website was down or very very slow and something had to be done. No one seemed to be able to get ahold of our network/systems administrator and I was the next one who might know what to do.

I tried to calmly rush through my appointment but doing so with care as to make sure the customer was satisfied and then I grabbed my MacBook and started to look for the issue.

Having absolutely no clue or notes on which of the many Xserves ran which web/other services I was scrambling around looking for notes or folders with notes that could possibly help me. Finally I found something, rather old but it seemed to work good enough.

Finally after awhile I was able to track down the bad server and the reason this was happening. The only thing that was stopping my was that I didn’t have the MySQL admin password.

About 10 minutes later the real network dude showed up and relived me. So all in all I was going in the right direction, I just didn’t have the proper privileges to correct the error.

** Que out of the day dreaming music **

For the next 2 weeks I will be working on projects like these and hoping nothing catastrophic happens as our network admin will be in the middle of nowhere with next to nothing or no real-work communication available. As I mentioned before I am very excited and I think this will be a great learning experience. This is the sort of job I should be working and I am trying to get in somewhere, because this is what utilizes my skills and doesn’t waste them.
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World of Warcraft: Character Update [20 Aug 2006|09:24am]
If you see about 3-4 posts all with very similar dates it’s because I am writing a lot while on my trip to New Jersey.

I’ve been getting a lot more World of Warcraft hours in since I’m actually enjoying the game once again. I am still trying to understand how PvP works on a Normal realm. I think I figured out that you can flag yourself and once you do that you can then fight or die from other flagged allies. I turned on the flag once but the ally didn’t so I turned it off…

One thing I am still trying to understand is if an ally is flagged and I attack him/her when I am not flagged well then they can attack me but does that leave me flagged or what??

I JUST WANT TO BE LVL 60 and do some quests without being ganked every 2 seconds!! Right now I am working in and around Hammerfall, Tarren Mill and Arathi Highlands. It’s a lot of fun and I have already leveled up since yesterday. I am actually getting that accomplished feeling back which is great. I have to have that feeling to justify the $15 a month that Blizzard charges.

I don’t really need PvP either, but I can still set the flag or go into battlegrounds. I did hear the queues are horrible though. When I get to level 39 I will go back in battlegrounds and have some fun!!

Now I am playing my main Orc a lot more then my human. I still have plans to get my human to at least level 40 though since the human mount is a horse!!
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Apple MacBook Woes: Part II [20 Aug 2006|09:25am]
Remember my last rant about Apple? I am not sure how you could forget!! As of writing Apple still doesn’t seem to be shipping out any new logic boards. Not only that but they seem too be taking quite some time on fixing all MacBooks and MacBook Pros.

Another one of my co-workers called up the AppleCare line the other day and was talking to them about getting a MacBook Pro fixed. The person on the AppleCare end told my buddy that it would be up to 10 days before Apple even got the parts for the MBP. That’s pretty crazy.

I am not really liking the repair issue situation going on with Apple right now. It’s starting to get really frustrating, and not only from the Apple Specialist employee point of view but also from an Apple customer point of view. Also as a student I will be returning to school in less then a week and I have a laptop that is more like a desktop. I say that because I cannot be disconnect from my power adapter or else my machine shuts down right away.

Fortunately the wonderful company I work for and more importantly my awesome manager has hooked me up so I won’t have massive downtime. Muchos thanks to him and a small thank you Apple for making the MacBook very easy to add/remove/upgrade the RAM and hard drive in the unit. Three screws and you have access to both parts.

I write you this post from a new MacBook 2.0GHz Black and it’s been great so far, my battery is being recognized which is big step for me!!

I do hope that Apple does a better job about shipping out a quality product in the future.
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[ viewing | August 20th, 2006 ]
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