Adobe Photoshop CS2 & The MacBook |
[18 Aug 2006|09:25am] |
Alright, so I was told that Photoshop wouldn’t run that slow on the new Intel chips unless you’re doing some really high-end things and 3-D graphic work. Well I am probably doing the most basic things in Photoshop and it’s just like deathly slow. It takes so long for Adobe Photoshop to even open up. I have the dual core 2.0GHz black MacBook with 2GBs of RAM…what’s the deal. Even doing the most simple tasks in Photoshop is almost unbearably slow.
Is it just my MacBook, which wouldn’t surprise me or is anyone getting PO’d? Comon, Adobe, let’s get a Universal Binary out there!!
Working with Adobe Photoshop on the 13″ screen isn’t as bad as I thought it would be, although hooking it up to a 20″ external display and running it there is much more comfortable.
Maybe I should look into The GIMP.
Apple MacBook Woes |
[18 Aug 2006|09:27am] |
When I first bought my MacBook I thought it was the greatest thing since a slice of bread. It stayed that way for about 1 to 1.5 months and then it all started…
First I noticed that my RAM slot was loose and the little “pull switch” was stuck and didn’t function correctly. Then it wouldn’t allow me to use Apple+Tab (application switching) when I woke the computer up from sleep. I thought this might just be something that was only happening to me, but after checking in with a couple co-workers, it wasn’t just me. Then came the random shutdowns. While working on various things and with various/random applications my computer would just shutdown. Again, I thought it was just a one time thing, NOPE. It’s happened to me 20+ time, sometimes while working on important files…after checking the Apple Discussion Boards I wasn’t the only one this was all happening too. After 2 weeks of so of all this happening I finally decided enough was enough and got my logic board replaced.
Thought that fixed it?? NO! That made it even worse, now I cannot run the MacBook without the AC cable plugged into the computer. If it becomes unplugged the MacBook will shutdown. I have another logic board on its way from Apple so I am hopeing that will fix the issue.
This is a MacBook 2.0GHz, 2GBs RAM, 80GB HDD, in black, so is anyone else out there having troubles like these?? Leave me some comments and let me know…this is really getting annoying…
Update: Well I just listened to one of the latest episodes of Diggnation and Kevin Rose was talking about how much trouble he was having with his MacBook Pro, not only that but my co-worker is also experiencing the random shutdowns. I’ve also continued to read the Apple Discussion Boards and more and more people are getting the little “X” through the battery icon in the menu bar…I’m really not a happy camper right now and I need to have something for when school starts on the 23rd of this month…which by my calculations is pretty damn soon.
I might have to ebay this machine as-is or something because I have no idea on a ship-date for my logic board from Apple and this is totally un-acceptable…
Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht |
[18 Aug 2006|09:28am] |
I bought Xenosaga probably a year ago and now I am really just starting to play it. I have so many games queued up to play, you wouldn’t believe how many games here are waiting for me to play them. It’s usually because something major like Kingdom Hearts II comes out and I drop everything and put that one first in line! I really hate when I do that though because it usually means I have to restart the game from square one since I forget the story line and where I was and I what I was supposed to be doing. Somehow I managed to remember where I was and what was going on so I didn’t have to restart my game-play. I have a feeling I am going to have to restart Final Fantasy X-2 for the second time though, but that’s another rant/chat for another time!
Anyways, I found my guide and am slowly making it through, although I am getting back into World of Warcraft since my character transfer.
I’ve added on about 5-6 hours to Xenosaga and I am really getting into the fun parts. I did notice that the game has a lot of cut-scenes, I think one was about 35-40 minutes long!
Xenosaga is a little hard for me since it uses some different mechanics then other RPGs like Final Fantasy. I am not sure I really understand how the whole T, S, and E points work although I think I starting to get a grasp on it.
I have a feeling that I will end up getting the 2nd and 3rd mode because I am already in love with this series. Actually, I haven’t seen the 3rd one around, I should check to see if that even released yet, I am sure it has and I am just a little out of it.
I heard they also made a mobile cell phone game but it would highly unlikely that I get my hands on something like that. Has anyone ever played it, thoughts??
I think I am about 1/2 of the way through the 1st game right now, it’s pretty fun, and it’s a great RPG so check it out!
World Of Warcraft: Character Transfers |
[18 Aug 2006|09:29am] |
Alright, first I know so many people get pissed when you move your character to an already existing slow server (aren’t they all)! But I just had to, I couldn’t stand being on a PvP realm any more.
My whole reason for playing World of Warcraft is to get to a level 60 or hell, even level 40 so I can get a mount! Although now I found out humans get a horse mount so I am trying to get to at least level 40 with my human character.
So I moved my level 32 to Thrall from Skullcrusher and I’ve gotten so many things complete now that I don’t have to worry about being ganked by some moron Ally. I am now working on some Tarren Mill quests I probably never would have gotten to if it hadn’t been a Normal server.
Now I am a much happier gamer and I am having much more fun with World of Warcraft! Guess this means I have to put down Xenosaga once again haha