Busted MacBook |
[23 Jul 2006|09:44am] |
Ever since I got my MacBook from Apple, I’ve been more then pleased with how it performs. The only issue I ever had was playing World of Warcraft on it. It did work but I personally can’t consider it playable since I have my PC that is a lot beefier and ran the game much better.
The reason for this post is that lately my MacBook has been crappin’ out on me, and quite often. For instance I’ll be surfing the web or viewing a video on YouTube or something and the entire machine just shuts down. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening and it’s really starting to annoy me. Fortunately I haven’t had anything important going on when this has happened. Another thing that has been happening, and really pisses me of is that when I wake the computer from sleep is that I cannot Apple+Tab between applications for about 10 minutes.
I am going to look on Apple discussion boards and Google around to see if anyone else is getting issues like these. I might also turn mine into the repair and service department at Small Dog Electronics and see if Jon or one of the guys can see if they can figure out what is going on.
Nemo Pictures |
[23 Jul 2006|09:45am] |
I forgot to mention Emilie and I took some pictures of Nemo and us with Nemo. Check out my Flickr account. PRETTTTTY HORSE!!!!
Warcraft II |
[23 Jul 2006|09:46am] |
I finally got my Warcraft II software in the mail the other day, although I have a feeling I didn’t need to buy an extra copy to play over the LAN. Warcraft II is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played. Blizzard has been great in supporting not only the PC platform but also the Mac platform. Actually not that I think about it, there might have even been a Warcraft game for the Playstation 1!!
Anyways, after mucking around and trying to get a game going over the LAN with IPX I gave up and played World of Warcraft instead, but this morning I installed Classic support on my girlfriends PowerBook and we gave it a go using TCP/IP which I am much more familar with. It worked like a gem and we were playing a game in within minutes!
Now, I haven’t played this game since 9th-10th grade with my good buddy Greg so I was a little rusty. I did take some screenshots but they didn’t capture my entire army, so I was a little dissappointed. I think I had about 150 war-units and about 30 peons. Some how Emilie had about 15 griffins and 10-20 footmen when I finally attacked her base camp, but we both had a great time. This is a new video game to her, and she told me afterwards that she liked it, minus the fact that it took me 15 seconds to wipe out everything she had built in the past 30 minutes haha
I did try to play on Battle.net (surprised anyone is still on there) and it was really really laggy so I am not sure what was up with that! Before we tried using IPX we did try on Battle.net and it wouldn’t let her join any games I had created. It said something about the game creator have to high of latency so joining the game couldn’t happen. Kinda stupid since she was sitting 2ft from me…
Our next game is going to be my girlfriend and I teamed up against a computer, so that will be a lot of fun!
One last note before I end this post, I think Blizzard should release a patch that adds all the races from World of Warcraft to Warcraft II. That would be so slick!
** I’ve just got to remember to upload the 2 screenshots I took while in-game this morning **
The Wipesaddle |
[23 Jul 2006|09:46am] |
I’ve been listening to the Hi My Name is Mark Hoppus podcast since day 1 and I absolutely love it. I’ve loved Mark and Blink 182 since day…no not one, but since as long as I can remember! I don’t know if anyone out there is also into these guys, but this is one podcast I would definitely check out. It got tons of new music and lots of laughs.
I am not sure which episode Mark initially talks about the Wipe Saddle but one of the listeners actually built the damn thing! The Wipe Saddle allows you to rock back and forth and wipe your ass while doing so! Pretty effing rad if you ask me!!! So umm, where can I get my hands on one of these??
World of Warcraft: Battlegrounds |
[23 Jul 2006|09:47am] |
I’ve been playing a lot of WoW lately and something completely new to me was the battlegrounds. First I thought I should stay away form them just because I would get a severe ass whooping but just this week I entered into Warsong Gulch as a level 29. Good thinking or just pure luck because that put me in the 20-29 group. That means I was at the very top and could own the little level 20s.
When I first got into the battleground I had absolutely no idea what was going on or how it really worked. Well, ok, maybe I had a faint idea of what was going on, kill people but thats about it! We grouped up and waited until the gates fell and rushed towards the fighting line.
I basically just killed anything with a red name that moved. I guess that was a good tactic since my team won the round. The battle’s weren’t really that intense since it was 10vs9, but it sure was a lot of fun. I was more focused on killing the Ally team rather then capturing the flag.
Now that I am a level 32 I’ll have to wait another 7 or so levels before I go back into another BG, but now that I’ve experienced a battleground I appreciate World of Warcraft even more! I am glad Blizzard put this element into WoW because it makes the game even better then it already is. There are just so many things to do in this game, but I suppose that is why it’s like the #1 game on planet earth.
I know this is goig to sound ignorant, but when I get to be a higher level or maybe even now, do the amount of people in battlegrounds grow? For instance could the teams be something like 20 vs. 20 or bigger?? Now that would be crazy!
I do know that there are going to be cross-realm battlegrounds so that is very very cool!