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Netscape Copies Digg [29 Jun 2006|09:50am]
I was listening to TWiT the other day and they mentioned that Netscape had blatently copied Digg.com and how stupid it was. Finally this evening I took a brief look, which is all you need to see how bad they’ve copied Digg.

The only difference is that the Netscape site looks like crap. I guess if they got rid of the ads it wouldn’t look as bad but it’s still got the same Netscape (blue, black, orange) colors.

The funny thing is that when this site form Netscape opened up one of the top stories was something like ‘Netscape Copies Digg.com’ and that was right on the front page

This post isn’t much else other then me saying Netscape is junk, so I’ll leave it at that, just go to Digg.com people. They’re far superior.
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[ viewing | June 29th, 2006 ]
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