Browse Happy? |
[09 Jun 2006|09:58am] |
While playing in my WordPress admin area I noticed this little graphic at the bottom of every page. It’s got a little flower on it and it says, ‘Browse Happy’ and ‘Switch Today’. Now, I’ve only noticed this while using IE, so I went ahead and clicked on that little button which wisked me away to this website.
Basically this is a website that tries to get you to download alternatives to the Microsoft Internet Explorer. They offer things like FireFox and Opera.
I thought that was sort of neat although I don’t seem to be having any issues with IE7+ which is included in my Windows Vista Beta 2 install. Mind you the only website I visit is my own and I am pretty sure I am not trying to ‘hack myself’.
Analog in a Digital World |
[09 Jun 2006|09:58am] |
When I told people that I actually kept my to-do list and various notes in a little pocket sized notebook they gasped! Yes, believe it or not I actually prefer to keep my notes in my little Moleskin notebook.
Why? Well, like you I haven’t gotten around to picking up a decent PocketPC or something of that nature. I do have a couple laptops but none of them can really fit into my pocket. I do believe if I actually owned a PocketPC that I would use that over this notebook, but the fact that this notebook was cheap and I can quickly jot something down is why I continue to use this.
I also feel it’s more organized and less likely to gets it “memory” erased like that of a electronic device. Plus when I have an idea it comes and goes and will usually never come back and I can scribble something down much faster then turn on a PocketPC and do it that way.
I am not sure if other people are like me, I know that one of the guys on Engadget used to use a paper date-book, but has since moved to Google Calendar (and so have I), but I almost feel like I need to have this notebook in my pocket incase something really interesting comes into my mind. Of course I would love to get my hands on a PocketPC so I could check my email
Post-Install Windows Vista Beta 2 Thoughts |
[09 Jun 2006|09:59am] |
Now, I’ve only been using Microsoft Windows Vista Beta 2 for a couple days now, but I absolutely love it. That might sound a little odd coming from a Apple OS X and Linux user but Vista is really coming together. I know Microsoft keeps delaying the RTM date but maybe it’s going to be worth it. I was listening to some podcast the other day and they mentioned that in order to make a really great product its worth delaying just so everything can be as bug-less as possible and be a great product.
So far I’ve only had to install 1 driver which was my audio driver. Everything else from my video to my NIC cards drivers were installed right off the bat which was really nice. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s having to download a NIC driver with no internet connection because the piece of hardware isn’t recognized.
Something that Microsoft beefed up from XP to Vista was the security. Now we all love to have a secure system, but it almost gets to the point where I would rather have the security in XP over Vista just because it gets really annoying having to click ‘Ok’ 5 times to the security prompt window when I want simply change my desktop wallpaper. While I do feel much more secure then when I am on a Windows XP machine, I think they should tone it down a little.
The new GUI, Aero and all the new icons are really wonderful and I think they did a very nice job with that all. The icons are now much larger and they look a lot more slick. The sidebar is a wonderful addition and now that I have a 20″ widescreen display I really cannot complain about it being there. I remember in 3683 I wouldn’t mind it since it was a totally new thing to have on your screen, but future releases always had me turning it off or complaining. The fact that the gadgets on the sidebar seem to float there without actually having to see the sidebar is really cool. Only when you hover over that area on your screen do they show which I thought was neat.
Not once has this operating system crashed on me which was really nice. I haven’t had anything lock up either. I think Microsoft has really come a long way and they’re doing an exceptionally good job this time around. This won’t be another Windows ME, Windows Vista is really something that I am looking forward to and it’s great that Microsoft has put Beta 2 out for public use.
While this article only covers some of my thought on the basics of Beta 2, I am sure I’ll dive deeper in more of the operating system and cover things like the new email program, the photo gallery, the calendar program, Media Center and much more.
The Decision |
[09 Jun 2006|09:59am] |
This is sort of a follow post to my previous post. I thought I would go into a little bit more detail as to why I am doing what I am doing.
For a long time I’ve been a user of DeadJournal and LiveJournal and that whole scene, while at times I did keep a blog like this. Both LJ and DJ are journals, I want to get more into blogging. You might be wondering what the difference is and is there really even a difference. I feel there really is a difference between blogging and having a journal. Blogging to me is something more professional, while a journal is more personal and maybe even more private.
Right now, I feel I need to make the step into a more professional world and start blogging about things people might be remotely interested in, not just how my day went. I’ll probably be focusing on things that are happening n the tech world and my 2 cents about them, and I’ll try to get some equine news or cool tidbits here and there. Hence BinaryEquine.
BinaryEquine is my little combination of my infinite love for horses and my infinite love for almost all things techy. Not just computers, software and hardware but also gadgets, and video gaming.
I think my days of journaling about how my day went are over, and I hope that you’ll continue reading this blog.
Crap Weather |
[09 Jun 2006|11:21pm] |
Well the weather has been pretty shat lately. I left a comment saying it's nice to have an indoor riding ring on a journal, and it's true. Yesterday I really had a niec ride with Nippet.
Today is work work until about 5pm and then I'm going to get Keith from work and we'll come here and chill.
Nothing really much to say right now. Had a lovely morning with Emilie...we'll be moving some thing into the new apartment maybe tomorrow, not sure.
I suppose I shall just get some breakfast and head off to work now.
Dunno what with the new audio in Windows Vista but it sounds like the bomb on these new speakers. kthnxbi
Very very busy! |
[09 Jun 2006|11:21pm] |
&pHi all,
This one is for Jess. She actually might the only person on LiveJournal to use the nudge feature. I remember reading about it awhile ago, but I thought no one would ever use it haha So thank you Jess for giving me the wack and telling me to update! So here it's going to be a very lot of rambling and it could get to be long...
I've been very busy working at Small Dog and riding lately. I went out to this rather large consulting job. We had to move all the clients from one Xserve to another an setup Home directories and portable Home directories for them. It was a 3 day extravaganza. I learned so much durning that time and I actually applied that to my home Xserve and now everyone in my family and my girlfriend user the Xserve for logins. It's very very cool. If you;apos;re really interested in how that all works I can share my Google Notebook with you or something, you can also read about it on
I've really moved to keeping my stuff on the web, I am using Google Calendar a lot and Google Reader. I did sign up for the Google Spreadsheet beta so maybe I can get to play with that. Windows Vista Beta 2 has been officially released so I just downloaded and installed that today. For some weird reason it doesn't play nice with xBox Media Center, but thats okay because Media Center on Windows Vista is kickass.
I finally used my new bridle with nippet today and wow, I don't know if it was the new bridle or if we just had a really good day but today was excellent. I really had a good time with that.
Been working 40 hours a week at Small Dog which is nice. Been doing lots of consulting and working more in the store behind the tech counter too which is a nice change-up.
Tomorrow Emilie and I are going to see X-Men III and then Saturday I have the Small Dog party. So I'll be busy until at least next week. I really have no plans but each day things manage to get very busy.
We got a bonsai tree form Home Depot and it's super cute. I've got to get some pictures up cause I do have some from another time I never uploaded to Flickr.
I cannot stop listening to AFIs new CD, so many people are complaining about how crap it is, but who cares, screw em.
I'm getting closer to beating the New Super Mario Bros, I think I am on World 5 on the last castle. It's getting complicated haha But this game really kicks ass. I think the DS Lite comes out very soon.
I am going to be posting a little article about how much my MacBook kicks ass on the SDE blog sometime tommorrow. I found the command to restart the ARD service on client machines. I love Parallels, it's so wonderful!!
So umm yeah I'll try to be updating this more often...I'm just not near a computer for casual use...