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Oblivion and DOMO-KUN!! [13 May 2006|11:24pm]
Ahhh finally some photos of Domo-Kun! BEST EVER!! I wanted to get the one dressed up as a ninja but Emilie say not right now :( Or ever?? AHHHH!!! Hahaha Watched Batman Begins last night, good stuff. I think today we'll see more and more like Bewitched and umm whatever other movies I have that begin with the letter "B"...we're watching every movie on my hard drives lol...only like 10 billion lol I got Syrinia (SP?), V For Vendetta and another one I can't think of right now.

I used the ole' BBQ today even though it was raining. I might go riding in a minute but maybe not since it is raining. I've gotten 3 of 4 grades right now:

Website Design & Management - A+
Psychology of Dreams - A
Intermediate Linux - B+

Just need one more! So how about some PICS?!?!?

Domo-Kun & Headcrab


Yeah so that's about all that for that :P I am not really sure what else is going on today, nothing that I really know of.
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[ viewing | May 13th, 2006 ]
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