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PICS!! [04 May 2006|11:26pm]
Wheeeee lookie my new bit!!!

My New Bit


I'll post osmething else maybe tonight?!?
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Router Status [04 May 2006|11:27pm]
Haha I just looked at my routers status:

Uptime : 25 days, 14:06:50
System Load : 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.00

LAN (rx/tx) :
3.20 G (2.46 K/s) 27.55 G (106.09 K/s)

WLAN (rx/tx) :
1.55 G (0.02 K/s) 7.93 G (0.13 K/s)

WAN (rx/tx) :
27.12 G (105.25 K/s) 3.43 G (3.02 K/s)

Almost 30Gbs which is really nothing, I should be up in the terabytes wah haha
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No WoW Server [04 May 2006|11:27pm]
Okay, it's final, I am not going to do the WoW server it just sucks resources and it's not that great. It's far from being Blizzlike and the support is okay but it needs to be better. So I am going to attempt to setup a Counter Strike server like the good ole' days cause I know that is legal and everything, yay! So still working on it right now. I'll put up more information as I get closer to being finished or finished...ugh don't want to go to work but I need the money so I will, and it's not that bad, I get to play with er rip apart Xserves haha
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Umm WTF [04 May 2006|11:27pm]
it's already 1:15am...I haven't done like anything...I got my computer back to working condition but no games installed, not like I care, if I want to play something I'll install it when the time comes. Maybe I'll buy that HL2 episode thing sometime...

I saw this Beaker thing, I wanted...on Newbury Comics...


Umm cool...so maybe I will go and watch some Naruto or something right now. I started watching Big Mommas House 2 but I was interrupted, jeezum!

Oooh yay some one posted on my WoW server forums!!!
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Blaaah Thermal Paste ICKY!!! [04 May 2006|11:27pm]
Alright, so every since I upgraded my computer to a dual-core AMD chip it's been shitting itself left and right which is REALLY ANNOYING!! So I took it out and put back in my old Althon64 3500+ which worked fine and was plenty fast for me. So of course I have to run into snags! I got the old CPU in the socket and put it back together and all and hit the power button, and of course it refuses to boot up. Do note I also added some more RAM in...so I tried re-setting the CPU and checking the cables and crap and still, NO BOOT!!! ARGHH!!! So then I removed the RAM and rebooted...works fine...WTF!!! I put in GOOD RAM! OCZ stuff!!! Stupid computers...

So now I am re-installing Windows, then the 3 games I play LOL...and some anti-virus software too, cause we all know Winblows and how shitty it is...cept to play games :P Maybe while I wait I'll play some Final Fantasy X or something...
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Dang PCs [04 May 2006|11:28pm]
I hate Dell, they're the biggest pieces of shit on planet earth. DIE DIE DIE!!! Oh well...

I converted my Domo-Kun videos into something my iPod can watch although it made me do it in H.264 which doesn't bother me, it's just weird that's the only way it would convert them. Then I converted episode 18-25 of Naruto since I need to watch those. Fun fun!!! I got like 100% on my Dreams test, yay go me.

Umm, beat Half Life: Source and played some Counter Strike: Source. I got a kill right off and then I died a lot and my ping was horrible. I think it's because I am getting movies or something. Lots of new movies!! BIG MOMMAS HOUSE 2!!! And some others...I think I saw The Davinci Code in there but I wasn't sure if it was the new one with Tom Hanks...will have to ask...or download the sample.

What else...umm nothing...I had some pizza...I need some new good headphones.
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[ viewing | May 4th, 2006 ]
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