jimmy's journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Consulting! [03 May 2006|11:28pm]
Today was nice. I woke up kinda early since I went to bed kinda early. Got breakfast and played around on the computer for a little. Then I was off to consulting in Stowe. It was quite easy to find and the house was really really nice. The woman was excellent and the job was enjoyable and easy!! I spent about 3 hours or so there and then I went to Equus. Got myself an eggbutt snaffle bit for my new bridle. YAY!!!

Then I stopped at Small Dog to get some things.


"Barcode label unreadable and replaced" JEEEZUM!!!!

Ok, time to play some BATTLEFIELD 2!! KILL EM!
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Electrocution [03 May 2006|11:28pm]
AIIYEEE!!! I got electrocuted at work yesterday. I forgot to mention that. BOY DID THAT FEEL NICE!! Sure as hell woke me up! AHAHAHAHHA

MY HEADCRAB SHIPPED!!!!!!! FEDEX 7 days WTF!!!! HURRRY UP slow assses!!!! I am getting leike 10 emials from Jlist saying they got my order, WELL SHIP IT CHRERIST!!!!

I had something else to say but I forgot...consulting in about a half hour...ugh, iI dont know what to DRIVE!!! But then to the tack shop to see Kirsten and get a new bit hehe yayHIYEEE!!

Maybe going riding today since i havent IN FOREVER!!!
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WoW Webpage [03 May 2006|11:28pm]
Well I updated my World of WarCraft private server website:


and I bought a DOMO-KUN!!!



ummm what else...

hoemwork sucks, no more school please. emilie is taking forever omgs....

consulting tommorrow, bleeeh!

i actually played on my own world of wartcraft server. so many things are borked and its different then a real blizzard server. oh well...WHERES MY HEAD CRAB!!!

i download literally every trailer from Apples website to my ipod video haha ok not much else to say now wheee!!
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[ viewing | May 3rd, 2006 ]
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