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OS X 10.4.6... [05 Apr 2006|11:39pm]
So I just installed 10.4.6 on my iBook but I don't think any of the changes in this new update are really anything that are going to do much for me. I think a lot of it had to do with the Intel Macs and Boot Camp so really this update isn't going to help my PowerPC Macs any haha I wonder if there's anything good in the server version though.

I am quite happy with my XServe RAID though. I've just updated it for a different array setup. Now I have 2x250GB in a RAID1 and 5x250GB in RAID5. So the important files will sit on the RAID1 and I will use the RAID5 for whatever.

iBook just attempted to start-p from the 10.4.6 install and rebooted itself?? Yikes haha It appears to be booting normally though. Now I just need to run an rsync on it. And I think get a new desktop picture for it. I also need to figure out what to use it for...I guess just chatting and I'll leave it on the other side of the room...for what you ask!? So I don't have to walk to the other side where the computers are, I'll have a computer in reach of me where ever I go!
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Combs [05 Apr 2006|11:40pm]
I have become great friends with my shedding blade...wow it just works so nicely!

Boot Camp - read my article on the SDE blog or just check out the page Apple put up for it. Looks interesting. Spent a good amount of time talking to Morgan about it this afternoon. Who wants to donate their Intel Mac so I can try out BC?

Nippet is crazy. I like Snickers. It's yucky out.

Been playing to much World of WarCraft. I have an amazing girlfriend who oddly understands my addiction to it. I love her.

Why is it when I hit some unknown key-combo in Mail (OS X) that my email that I am clicked on magically disappears and I can no longer find it for the life of me?

Order my new CPU today. It said 1 business day till I get it...remind me why I only shop at NewEgg?! They rule.

I got a 100% on my final project for PC Hardware. PWNAGE.

Uuh...yeah. ILU horsey.
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World of WarCraft & Consulting [05 Apr 2006|11:40pm]
It feels like I haven't updated in forever but I think it's only been a day or so. I've just been busy playing World of WarCraft and Battlefield 2 and attempting to fit Emilie in there. Ha, such a crappy boyfriend lol.

Yesterday I woke up late, this whole DST stuff is screwing me up. I went to the bank so I could get some money for horse board and my cellphone bill. Fun...I never know my account numbers or anything, but they don't seem to care haha After I got that done I just went and worked at Small Dog for a couple hours. I just did some blogging which is what I've been doing lately...it's fun though. It keeps me occupied and up-2-date in the Apple world.

Then I came home and did homework and watched a movie or something. Nothing really happened of interest last night.

Woke up kinda late again this morning. I had consulting and the weather was horrible. I actually saw a couple car accidents on the way to work. Consulting was fine and fun, easy stuff.

Today is Sean's birthday...what an old ass fart. :) I played more World of WarCraft today. Got to play with Greg a little. I am finding all these new cool areas but unfortunately my subscription runs out in about 9 days. Then it's on to Half Life: Source, Counter Strike: Source and probably SOCOM. I STILL HAVEN'T EVEN OPENED KINGDOM HEARTS 2. I need to finish up the video games I have before starting anything new.

Gooddddd.....I don't know what else to say...I am a little hungry though!! COOK MEH FOOD!
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