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Pictures and an Update [01 Apr 2006|11:41pm]
Thursday: I was about to say I worked on Thursday but I didn't!! I took Thursday off and did homework and riding. More riding then homework! It was like 70 degrees here on Thursday and it was too nice to be inside. So I spent my morning grooming Nippet and did that until 12 cause he was a mess and Mr. Snickers was even worse. Those people don't come and groom him at all. Dip a horse in a mud puddle, leave him out to dry, do that 30 times and it's gross so I finally got sick of him being a ball of mud/dirt/chaos and just groomed him myself. Mind you I only spent 30-45 minutes on him but he sure looked a lot better. Poor horse...then I went to Equus and hung out with Kirsten and Nan until 2ish. That was fun, it was nice seeing them, and Nan was being funny as usual.

Then I went back to the barn and tacked up to go riding. All the horses are inside so the paddocks can regrow grass and all. So...Nippet+3 days of being inside == a crazy Nippet and me holding on!!! he attempted to buck me off 3 times, failed every time...wanker. He can be such a douche sometimes...and he spooks which is really annoying and lame. But we had some fun for a bit...the indoor was in the 80s, to hot haha So I spent lots of time riding. Came home and ate some food and watched Pirates of Silicon Valley. Great movie but I wish it went to more present. I think it ends in 97'.

Did some homework and went to be kinda early because today was very very early.

Friday: I don't think I've used an alarm clock since 4-5th grade, some many years ago. Somehow my body wakes me up at the right time, although it was malfunctioning last night cause I was waking up quite often thinking I had to get ready for work. But finally, I got up around the right time and started getting ready and all. We had to be out in east bumfuck VT at like 8am. YAY! Hahaha

So I drove to Berkeys house and we left from there. Found the place with really no trouble and started working. All the work was really easy and the people were great. It really was kinda in the middle of nowhere but I sorta enjoyed it. It was nice and quite and really wonderful, had some horses too! We were back home by 1pm and I was back at the barn getting ready to ride by 1:30pm. So I tacked up as usual, and went back out, he flipped out and acted like a retard again, tried to buck me off but I took none of his shit. Keeping these horses inside sucks...

So I only rode for a short time, and then I went into the indoor, damn it's hott in there! And he freaked out again cause of some little rope clanking it's metal against soem other metal, he's such a newb. GAH!!!! Took him back in and stuck him into another stall and mucked his, god, I pay like $400/month SO I DONT HAVE TO DO THAT! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Then I came home and did some crap around the computer and watched a part of Hackers 2 before it made me bored.

Did my Linux homework and my dreams homework. Tomorrow is Apple's 30th birthday and they're announcing something cool I hope!! My damn board is due tomorrow too, blah! I iz poor again! I took some photos, and screenshots. I forgot to convert my World of WarCraft ones into something smaller so I ended up, upload 35MBs which was only like 5 pictures haha oh well, pro account rocks! Ok, SOME PICS!

random crap! )

And now for me getting a little pwned in WoW cause I was tlaking to Emilie on the phone, GAAARRR!!!!

world of warcraft!!!! )

ps. myspace is the biggest piece of shit on planet earth. die fuckers.
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