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Bands, Writely.com and More... [13 Mar 2006|11:47pm]
Well, I just wanted to tell you all, I've finally updated my iPod with some new music, so here's a little list of the bands and albums I am currently digging:

Adair - The Destruction of Everything is the Beginning of Something New
After The Fall - Always Now and Forever
Anti-Flag - For Blood and Empire
Appleseed Cast - Perregrine
Atreyu - A Death Grip on Yesterday
Averian - Crying in Crimson
Camilla Rhodes - Like the Word Love on the Lips of Harlot
HORSE The Band - Mechanical Hand
Scarlet - This Was Always Meant to Fall Apart
The Audition - Contoversy Love Company
The Bullet Never Lies - 17 Dead and Counting
The Downfall - The Heat of This Fire
The Fully Down - Don't Get Lost in a Movement
The Lawrence Arms - Oh Calcutta!
The Legion of Doom - Incorporated

So yeah, check it all out, GREAT music!

Started reading this WoW manual...so long haha I am hoping that I can just stick that NIC into the PowerMac that's already up onsite. Will save me so much time haha

Writely.com is a very cool website. Basically it's a fully featured text editor. They were just bought by Google a couple days ago. I was reading something about how it really only has 16 active users, one of them being me, haha very cool and weird cause I thought a lot of people would be using it. more like 100,000s of people.

I thought I had something else to mention, but I guess not. I let my lizard run around my room tonight, weirdo thing. Think I am going to crawl into bed and continue reading this manual. I am so geek?
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The WoW Experiment [13 Mar 2006|11:47pm]
Alright, so I spent more time fixing up the ole puter and stuff. Finally got around to doing emails and LJ comments. I only tested one of the two machines because I only have one USB mouse which sucks ass. Oh well, it works and moves large files like it should be (at the appropriate speeds). Although I have a NIC to install in the machine that's already there, if that doesn't work, then this machine will.

Never got dinner, but I had some yummy chocolate chip cake. I got the WoW Experiment blog up and running. Check it out. Hopefully this won't kill me like those people in Asia :\ So that's that...enjoy...

Just getting ready to shower (YES I WILL BE NAKED...) and do some other things right now. MmM only one more week until Armor For Sleep...Peeeace...
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