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Linux Quiz #1 [19 Feb 2006|11:55pm]
Well we have started the new Linux class. Things are going quite well, his first little quiz had my brain working:

Short answer and true/false

1. Give a command for writing a long directory listing to a file called files.txt.

ls -l>files.txt

2. Linux uses a micro kernel, rather than a monolithic kernel, unlike some other operating systems. True or false?


3. What command would you use to change your password in Linux?


4. Software licensed under the GPL is “free” and therefore considered to be in the public domain. True or false?


5. Give a command for logging into an account named newbie on a remote system called tangerine using Secure Shell.

ssh newbie@tangerine

6. What command would you use to find information on a rarely used option for ls on a Linux system?

ls --help
man ls

7. In what directory are the programs for most essential Linux commands stored?


8. Give a command for starting the emacs program in the background.


9. Give two different commands for putting a background process with job number 1 and process ID 25697 into the foreground.

fg 1 && fg 25697

10. Give a command that will terminate a background process with job number 2. Bonus point: Structure the command so that the process cannot handle (ignore) the termination.

kill -9 2

Short definitions

1. Kernel

The brain of the entire Linux OS.

2. Shell

How the user can interact with the kernel.

3. Open Source

Software that is modifiable by a community. Code can be viewed, modified and redistributed.

I now have to go write a 3 page paper on how I would go about setting up a server in a home office/small office environment. FUN! :D
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Big TVs [19 Feb 2006|11:55pm]
So I didn't do much yesterday after I wrote. I did get called in to do some consulting. Fine by me. I got paid more in 33 minutes then I do just doing 3 days of normal work at Small Dog. Gotta love that. All I really did was input a new static IP, a gatway IP and 2 DNS servers into some guys router...for some reason GMAVT was being douchey and gave him a static instead of doing PPoE. Weird. Anyways, I stopped by Equus but Nan wasn't there so I should probably call her or stop in tomorrow.

Came home from consulting and watched a movie, I think I fell asleep though...then I worked some on the computer, this stupid bitch in Website class keeps posting her shit in my threads and then this other bitch created a new threads for like everything she has to say. Fucking stupid people. Oh and this other person DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A COMPUTER! WHY WHY WHY! These people suck fucking assholes! Hrmm...

So I ended up going to my buddy David's house. His mom is the one who sold me Nippet. David and I been best friends since we got out the womb haha So we got some food and then watched Underworld on the 60". God damn that TV is sooooooo nice. It's like being at the movies. Although since they don't have the Hi-Def TV box cable looks like ass but a DVD looks GREAT! So we watched that and I think I understood the story even more. I was hard seeing the 2nd one first, but it made sense now I think haha After that we watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Great movie...I hope they make the 2nd one kick ass. After that I came home and went to sleeeeeep.

It is 10 degrees today, woohoo! I would have to say I am going to stay indoors unless something or someone makes me go out haha Today would be a perfect day to stay in and put things into the Equus store...I NEED INVENTORY!!! I could also make sure the brochure is the way it needs to be cause that's due in March sometime...mmm alright, I need some food I think...
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