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Dreams... [16 Feb 2006|11:57pm]
Watched Dreamer last night. Got some really beautiful horses in that movie. It really just felt like a copy of Seabiscuit though...but it was okay. I do love about any horsey movie ahaha

So let's seeeee, I finally got yelled at in my class for telling my classmates they were newbs...they still are but hey, I don't care...they'll go nowhere inlife. They're all like 30+ newbies...cool guys!

I should start to work on my Dream homework since i have a little bit more then usual. My Linux teacher was fired cause he was to newbed out. I hope this new guy knows his shit. I am excited for that! New book, and FREE TOO! Gotta picture of a horse on the cover.

I will probably stop by the tack shop tomorrow and see if Nan is there, well maybe call first...might install Halo on my computer cause I am bored and need something to shoot :D
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[ viewing | February 16th, 2006 ]
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