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Classes and Photos... [07 Feb 2006|11:58pm]
Hrmm, classes are going okay, nothing different then before. Work is good, just finished up most of the iPods, just need to do a couple other things with them like send out broken ones and add new ones that came in from Apple to the price list and all. Then I think I'll be working with more XServes. Troy mentioned something about setting up a spot for me upstairs which would be nice.

I've been trying to find something as cool as Picasa for OS X and I really can't seem to. The closest thing has been iView Media Pro, but even that sucks. I do really like that Lightwave or whatever it's called by Adobe though. Looks and feels very professional. I haven't tried out Aperture yet...sometime soon. So I guess I'll just stick with iPhoto 6 for now. It works good enough and with a little extra work, I get it to do what I want.

Trying to keep up with commenting on people entries!! Been looking at apartments for Em and I. Sean is helping out since he is such a pro at that sort of thing. Things are really going to change in the next 2 weeks for me and her.

Went to dinner at the Hazards last night. Was quite yummy. They got a new 60inch silicone LCD TV, it's so sick! I am going to be playing some Halo or something on that with David soon I hope haha I also picked up Nippet's show bridle, which is really really nice. It's brand new too!! It's a Courbette (sp? cause I am too lazy to look). Ummm so just homework today. I have a farrier appointment tomorrow, yay. Think I'll be working from like 5pm-9pm tomorrow which is nice.
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[ viewing | February 7th, 2006 ]
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