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Biaaatch!! [05 Feb 2006|11:58pm]
Well, one of my teachers got all bitchy on me cause I told her I didn't like the way the discussion board was formatted. LOL Not like I care, I'm not the one who sucks at formatting, newb. My other teacher creates entirely new forums instead of just new threads...messy messy! Oh well...oh and some kid in website class is getting whiney cause they can't do HTML...this is why I hate taking this beginner classes, I get stuck with people who don't even know what HTML is, or what a damn web browser is...save me now.
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Muddy Photos [05 Feb 2006|11:59pm]
Been doing homework today. Watched an episode of South Park, the parenting of the egg one. Funny funny, and the ginger episode too. Then I did more homework, fun fun fun! Then I went outside, tried to get rid of all the ice and stuff in the driveway, but that didn't work out so hot. So I thought I would record some of the brooks/stream sounds in GarageBand. Got out there to a nice place and found out I didn't have GarageBand or QuickTime Pro (not even sure if QuickTime Pro records audio) and I was all like, CRAP! Hahah so I just went to the barn instead. Got some new photos so check em out. 99.999% of Nippet, but still kickass :) it was so muddy out there, but it's so nice and warm, I love it.

Cleaned out Bruce Lee's dungeon last night. Put some new carpeting in so it's all clean and everything. He's getting bigger! I'll have to take some pictures of him soon also.

Well, just working on homework. Classes really are so easy...but I have learned a couple things here and there. Still trying to understand what the importance of link href is...maybe I will when I get into CSS stuff. So yeah, back to doing some homework, super bowl is tonight. I was going to go hangout with Sean to watch it and get dinner but I can't since my sister is out and the dogs are eh.
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[ viewing | February 5th, 2006 ]
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