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Homework [04 Feb 2006|11:59pm]
I got a little bored so I just did most of the homework in Website Design class. All I need to do is one of the case files and then upload it. Also participate in the Discussion for next week, but that's easy. I also read/skimmed chapter 3 in my Linux book. It was how to install RedHat Fecore Core (a shitty distribution of Linux)...lots of easy crap. But it also talked a bit about shells and shell variables so that was good there.

Just working on some things today. I cleared off my second desk a little but it's still a bit messy. Might continue looking for apartments and such for Emilie and I...just need to get a couple newspapers and look through them. Might head over and see lil' Nippet in a bit. Depends. It's supposed to rain and it really is starting to look like it.
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Email Change and New News! [04 Feb 2006|11:59pm]
Quick note before we start, sorry to anyone who's comments I haven't been responding to. I've moved my LJ email to my GMail account which kinda sucks, but it'll have to do until I get myself another IMAP account. I really do not like POP3...which is weird because I used to love POP3 and hate IMAP! And if understood anything of what I said in the last 2 sentences I shall reward you with a cookie.

Will be making some friend cuts after I post this entry. I removed one of those add me communities cause whoever managed it was a retard :) Speaking of retards...

Linux is getting to be pretty stupid. He keeps changing the stupid date of the class, I actually have no idea when the meeting is now...I kinda left a post on the message boards for that class that he was pretty stupid (without actually saying that). The rest of my classes aren't that bad, quite easy. Well Linux class is easy, just a pain in the ass.

Been working a lot too, so that's why I am not around as often. But there's some cool news there, Nan from Equus Tack has asked me to setup an online store for her. So in addition to tyhe website I am making for her we're also going to do an online store. OSCommerce is our selected software for that! I am also doing a brochure for her. Using Pages 06' for that. Simple stuff I hope haha So we're still working on getting her a domain and then we can start the store work and all. I think it's going to have to be all PayPal because you need an SSL certificate to do credit card transactions. And when I was listening to "This Week In Tech" I think I can remember Dvorak or someone saying they were $700/year...eeep! So that's going to be a fun project when we get the domain and tons of products and get it all working!

And the other good news is that Emilie and I are going to be getting a place together. Still looking. And I have found a couple places close to the barn and close to work. Although not really close to where Emilie could work...but we'll see. It's going to be one hell of an adventure hahaha I can't wait to see where I am in 1 month...CRAZY!

Mmmkaaay, back to work I suppose.
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[ viewing | February 4th, 2006 ]
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