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Coding My Eyeball Out... [14 Jan 2006|07:13am]
Umm yeah, so I had a pretty nice sized entry going and iJournal fucked that up...I hate how I use Apple+Shift+L for making a link, that's not it, that's to login. But if I hit quit on the login screen it quits the app instead of quitting the login process. Stupid. Anyways...

Been working a lot on the TinyMeat site/store/blog stuff. Going well. Working on the Equus tack shop site also.

Got dinner with MerchMikey and Bevs at the pizza place in Montpelier. That's going to be fun. I grabbed an iControl and a Lacie 160GB. We're going to be using that gear to do podcasting! I can't wait. I can't believe I haven't broke the iControl out haha

Umm so yeah to lazy to really think about what else I had typed into that entry...I updated my Flickr pics with some new gear. Check it out, cause it rocks!

Umm...what else...I think that's about it really...
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[ viewing | January 14th, 2006 ]
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