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Preview Fix & EH.COM Update! [07 Jan 2006|07:15am]
First off, thanks to [info]whangz for letting me know those website preview pictures weren't working, I guess they were in a different directory or something. Anyways, check this stuff out, clicking will bring you to the larger image:

Benevolence Falling Dreams Gentle Calm K2-GreyBG

Like I said before, Falling Dreams and K2 were my favorites...we'll just have to see what Nan thinks. :)

I updated the layout for EquestrianHonor.com so hop on over there and check that out, it's sexy now and running off WordPress v2. I actually worked on that a lot this morning. I also spent a great deal of time riding and spending time with Nippet. I forgot my crop so I did use my legs a lot more today and it went quite well, a lot better then I had expected. He really is an amazing horse, SO SO SMART! He was funny though because we were on the OUTSIDE of his stall and yet he STILL tries to open the door, what a weirdo.

I got some new DVDs today so I'll be watching those tonight. I played some more Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. I dunno what was going on with me, but it took me like 50 tries to beat the SECOND mission. It was so easy but I was being stupid...I am now have issues with the 3rd mission haha The cops rape me and kill my guys lol But the game is a LOT of fun. So much better then Vice City and all...anyways...

I talked to Jamie and told her about my dream, which I do need to get into my dream journal. Speaking of that journal, I need to updated it with the K2 fixed width theme, because that theme is SO HAWT! So hrmm anything else...FedEx did come today and I got the wrong card, crap. Oh well, it's not really a big deal right now.

So I guess I am going to work on my websites and updating them all for right now. Oh yeah, this Blink song is really great! Oh and my stirrups are Coronets not Courbettes...woops! :D
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Website Work [07 Jan 2006|07:15am]
Well, I am pretty sure I'll be updating the software on EquestrianHonor.com to version2 along with K2 which is nice. So maybe this weekend when I can find some time! I did like 4-5 hours work on the Equus Tack shops website, and I would love you all too see what I've done. Let me know which one you like the best. Personally I really like the K2-GreyBG or Falling Dreams. Benevolence is my least favorite, although with some graphics work it could be a lot better, and I am sure those header images will change to better reflect the actual store or maybe not. All those riders are local which is pretty cool. We're all friends so that's really cool.

I've been playing a LOT of GoldenEye Source. I am not sure if I mentioned what that is, if so skip down. Basically GoldenEye Source is a mod for Half Life 2. People have re-created GoldenEye 007 that was on Nintendo 64 for PC. The graphics have been greatly improved and levels are re-created with so much care. Currently it's an Alpha so it's VERY new and all, but it's really fun and everything!

I've been playing a ton of that and also some Half Life 2: Deathmatch and Counter Strike: Source. I really enjoy those like 55 person maps haha I actually didn't do that bad like 7 and 10 for not playing in mmm at least a year. Everything really runs nicely on my 6600 and the new Dell 20" hehe

So tomorrow I am going to ride a lot, probably go in the morning, and then again in the afternoon after lunch or something. Sarah is working tomorrow morning I think, so maybe I will see her there.

I also worked on the RAID a little today. Duane taught me a lot about the different RAIDs, like RAID0, RAID1, RAID5 and all. Basically I'll be doing RAID5. I still don't know if FedEx ships on Saturdays...I hope so! :) Alright, back to work or something...MARIO KART DS got really hard on me :( Oh and I started playing GTA: Liberty City Stories and it's fun...it's just suckass using the analog stick to control things, uuugh!
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Work Work Work... [07 Jan 2006|07:15am]
Well...I woke up this morning and I didn't want to haha But today was really the only day I went to Small Dog to work so it wasn't that bad. I basically worked on this one XServe and did installs the entire time which was nice. I got out around 1:45pm or so and came home. Worked a little on the RAID and played some GoldenEye Source...which IS FRIGGIN AMAZING! Anyone with HL2:DM needs to get this NOW. Also if you're a fan of GoldenEye on Nintendo 64 this is a MUST HAVE! It's really nice to play it on my new Dell 20", just as doing anything would be haha I tried out Half Life 2: Deathmatch also and it's a lot of fun too. I played some Lost Coast also, which IS GREAT! The graphics are just, WOW. The water is beautiful. Also played Mario Kart DS and umm it gets a lot harder when you go from 50cc to 100cc... :\ Well the fiber card should be coming in tomorrow, I can't believe I don't know this...but does anyone know if FedEx ships on Saturdays? I really hope they do :) If not, I can wait until Monday.
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