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My Blogs Worth... [03 Dec 2005|07:41am]

My blog is worth $3,387.24.
How much is your blog worth?

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Lava [03 Dec 2005|07:41am]
Ok, so I did finish my final paper for vampires, it's available to anyone who wants to read it on through Writely.com I am now attempting to work on my final paper for Linux class since yes I found out that it is due today, woops...but I found this interesting article on Digg and it comes with a pretty picture!

Alright, well back to work!
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Oh Shit! [03 Dec 2005|07:42am]
I just found out that 5 page paper on a Linux text editor is due today, not like next week sometime, FUCK, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I am kinda fucked...
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sweet chat [03 Dec 2005|07:42am]
Sweetwater man get a room dude :P
keainanhai lmfao
keainanhai working on it
Sweetwater hahahha
Sweetwater hey well this is where Snowblind & I met :)
keainanhai really?
Sweetwater yup :)
keainanhai wow, that's really interesting! i thought you had like known eachother before this all and then kinda started it and stuff
Sweetwater nope
Sweetwater Snowblind started it all
keainanhai Oh wow, that's really cool. And then you kinda found him or something?
Sweetwater No my mom would come in to the chat
keainanhai Ahhh
keainanhai That's really cool though!
keainanhai now i think i remember him saying you're kinda married, but not like "legally" or whatever
Sweetwater yeah
Sweetwater pretty much
Sweetwater we've been together since Dec. 1998
keainanhai oh wow, long time
keainanhai any plans to ever get married
Sweetwater We chatted about 6 months before we met in person
Sweetwater with web cams
Sweetwater then he came to NY for my birthday which was on Thanksgiving Day
Sweetwater stayed a week then I flew back to WA and didn't go home lol
keainanhai Ahh yes, much better, I want to see if Equus' dell has a built-in mic, then we can use Skype...although we talk a lot on the phone and stuff
Sweetwater until about 5yrs later
keainanhai hhaaha
keainanhai now thats a good story
Sweetwater maybe we'll get married
Sweetwater but we've been together for so long its not a big thing
keainanhai yeah, it's kinda like you are married with out the whole ordeal lol
Sweetwater our friends keep asking him to make me an honest woman
keainanhai Ha, that's one way I've never heard it being put
Sweetwater hehehhe
keainanhai but it seems like you guys are awesome, make a wonderful team and have fun!
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Long Night [03 Dec 2005|07:42am]
Whoooooo boy! What a crazy long night last night was. I attempted to get some work done seeing as I have a paper that's due today and it would be nice to just get my last 2 final projects done and out of the way. I believe I ended up chatting on EquestrianPages, chatting with Emilie, [info]una_tortura, and playing too much on LiveJournal...woops...Hey! At least I got started on the introduction! LOL.

So it looks like Emilie didn't break anything which is good, she just got bruised pretty good. Right on her butt! Owwwwwie! I just realized I have to already re-do the sidebar for EquestrianHonor.com since I've gotten like 10 new friends since I originally made it. woot to that!

So yes, today will be spent doing much homework and if I have time I am going to go and see Nippet. I played some Legend of Zelda: OOT last night. Got Dins fire and my magic meter. Off to Zora's River right now. I also played some of the mini-games for Super Mario 64 DS, the one with the Bo-Bombs falling from the sky is fun until like 20 of them come down at once haha

I told Emilie to join LJ for the Equestrian Artist communities and probably the other horsey ones, so we'll see haha She does have some good equine art!

Alright I guess I should go work on that silly Vampires paper...I have about 13 hours left till it's due.
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