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Apple iMac G5 [10 Nov 2004|08:39am]
Well it's been a couple days since i have last updated. There are various reasons:

1. I am sick and feel to crappy to say anything.
2. Sam says rest is better then computer...
3. I thought I could wait to make a new update from my new iMac G5...

So yep, I write you all from a brand spankin new Apple iMac G5 (http://www.apple.com/imac/). It is so goddamned nice. 20inch LCD...mmm mm mmm...I've got most my stuff setup, downloading my images now...I hate it cause the Icon folder takes like hours. Just finished with those and it's working on IM People Pictures. Anyways, I can't really remember where I last updated or when...

Yesturday sucked. It was Monday, what do you expect :) But I talked to Kaila on the phone and I talked to Sam...eh...Ummm watched Shaun of the Dead. It was pretty cool, pretty fucking funny....silly Brits. I also talked to Shelly and Jess somewhere in there.

Well last night I couldn't sleep whatsoever since Rob said he shipped the iMac last night and that I would have it today. So it was like fucking christmas eve. Haha So today I checked the UPS things and it said it was out for delievery...so I went to lab...blah blah it sucked ass since it was more programming, and programming is so useless. Came back, cheched the UPS site, it said it had been delievered and signed for so I got excieted. Checked the mail room and they didn't have it...so it's like 1:41 and I did a count down until 2pm when the mail room re-opened. I ran there and got my iMac. Came back to the room, opened her up, literally so I could install the new RAM and booted her up...

There's a small mini-review and images here:


I also went to Fire and Ice with Jack and Jake today, that was awesome. I don't think I can eat for a couple days now...wooohohooo! Ummm so my night will consist of playing Halo, playing on the iMac, loving the iMac and taking a shower in a little and maybe doing some homework. Gotta read up on C++. And I think I no I don't have english HW...yay! Hehe and Thursday I have off, YYAYAYHIIIEE!!! <333 And that's about all for now, ktnx <3333 xoxox
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