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Chaper 41 [14 Jul 2004|08:37pm]

Chapter 41 - Home At Last

Finally, after 3 long, agonizing years, Samantha has returned home. I drove up to the airport last night around 9pm. Had to drive into town to get that thing you stick into the tape player in a car to allow for a portable CD player/MP3 player to be used. Then I was on my way up there, of course I really didn't know how to get to the airport, just knew which direction it was in. I made it fine though. To get into the parking garage was like a maze. Anyways, I got into the airport, had NO idea which airline of flight number she was on, is was kinda like a guessing game LOL First flight I saw arrive wasn't her, so I went downstairs, that flight wasn't her either, but I think it was Susies, but for some reason I thought she was talking about a different Susie, so I didn't know it was her when she got off the plane so I headed back upstairs, this is about an hour after I had gotten to the airport and just as I was heading up the stairs, she comes down...I gave her the biggest goddamned hug...well big for me since I don't really hug people, only special people. Anyways, it was so GREAT! I was so so so so so HAPPY! So we got her luggage, which was like an 80lbs suitcase and then another like 30lbs bag..eesh packs so much, brought them out to my car, did the whole getting out of the parking garage maze again...LOL kinda drove all over the place since I had no idea where I was going. We talked about loads of stuff coming home, and then we both thought it was a dream, cause this WAAAAAAY TO GOOD TO BE TRUE...I thought I would prove if it was or wasn't but crashing the car, but we decided to pass that idea up LOL So I brought her home, her mom seems pretty nice, the we took a little late night walk, talked some more. All in all, last night was probably the best night in the WORLD. I'm so glad I got to pick her up. I'm so glad she's home, this summer is going to be fucking awesome. I'm going to go to her house later this afternoon, should probably give her a call, although I've already forgotten her phone number, whoops! Gotta look that up huh...alright...well I'm out to have another AWESOME day with the coolest girl EVER <3333
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Airport [14 Jul 2004|08:37pm]
I'm going to go pick up Samantha at the airport right now!!! w00t! This is going to be amazing! New chapter in the book of Jimmys Life :)
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