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I Gradutated! [20 Jun 2004|08:42pm]
Yesturday: Well, yesturday I woke up waaay to early and went to bed waaay to late the night before haha Anyways, I woke up, had nothing to eat, since it was a little to early. My parents, and grandparents left early since they wanted good seats. I waited around since Sean was going to pick me up at 8:50am since we needed to be at the school by 9am. So it's like 9:10am, still isn't there finally like 2 seconds later he shows up, and was like "Yeah I ran out of gas..." I started laughing so hard....anyways we stopped at the gas station, fueled up and headed off, got there a little late but whatever, it's not like the thing started without us. So all we did was talk to friends, and stand around until 10:10am when it started. For the next 2 hours, we listened to people get scholarships, awards and finally dipolomas. I played Brick on my iPod while the speeches and awards and all that stupid shit was given out. Finally around 1pm it was all over, we had lots of photos taken, said bye and thanks to lots of people! Then me and Slean got the HELL OUT OF THERE! NO MORE WHITE TRASH FUCKING DIRRT BAG, ANNOYING FUCKER!!! I did see John, the man behind more then half of my computer/Linux/Apache whatever intelligence. He said Champlain sucked, he's transferring to right outside of Boston, very very close so I told him we'd have to chill and shit since I'll be there too! It's going to be a lot of fucking fun next year, I really can't wait! I got so much money from this party and all too. $2500.00+ I almost spoooged when I calculated haha Anyways, Sean dropped me off at home, I hung out with the relitives. Lots and lots more people showed up. Had lots of good food, lots of chicken with tamari. YUMMMY! Around 4pm I went to Seans, talked to Dick when I got there, then I went and hung with Sean, watched him get his ass kicked in Bocce Ball haha then we all chatted, Anth and Mitsko were there, I LOVE THEM! They are soo coool, Mitsko is so friggin funny, CUNNN CHOWWW! hahahahah OMG...yeah then we played Bocce Ball, I was on Seans team, we kinda kicked some ass, then OMG, KURTIS WAS THERE!!! Hahaha You gotta know KURTIS!!!! Haha Yeah, so then Sean said GO MIDDLEBURY since Kurtis and Jesse's boyfriend, Chase are on the other rival hockey team, so Kurtis, Chase, Seans uncle, Anthony and I and Brady grabbed Sean and we threw him FULLY CLOTHED into the VAL POOL. It was fucking amazing....Haha Then umm oh yeah Kev Kev was there he helped! Around 6pm I went home since I promised to be home then, and I had some of my Ice Cream cake, it was quite possibly the best thing I'd ever eaten, cookie dough with Phish Food and it appeared to have like a brownie bottom or something...it was soooo good! We still have so much food leftover. Nothing really happened in the night, Megan asked me if I wanted to chill on Tuesday, how could I pass that up. So I gotta get back to her on that! <333 I did talk to Shelly somewhere in there and Ari and Kaila left me some messages...today is Kaila's birthday...I was supposed to go hangout with her, but maybe I will tonight when she comes home from the lake. Who knows :)

Today: Nothing much, my cousin woke me up. he's really funny, he's like "umm excuse me...excuse me..Jimmy.." Haha He's a really cool kid, he's like 1 knotch away from being a complete genious, his IQ is so damned high, he's only like 13 too. It's amazing. You can ask him many many questions and he knows, so much. So yeah we had pancakes and bacon for breakfast, yummy. Then people left, and people came and people went haha Nothing really happened. I watched some of My Babys Daddy, but I fell asleep, the cat jumped on me and woke me up around 3pm. So a nice 3hour nap did me well. Now I am just chatting, and I should probably work on the JM-Network listings :) Maybe I cna go bother [info]shellular too :) muah haha Oh yeah, there's a mad hott chick on Morgans Blog omfg, I just wanna kiss her a lot...
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