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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-10-27 08:47:00

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Kiss Me Tonight.
Tell me how it is,
Tell me what you've been hiding all along.
I'd face it,
You'd turn away.
I'd Turn to you,
You'd walk away.
I'd run for you.
I'd lay myself out on the ground.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
But sure, I'm right here. Standing infront of you
what do you want me to say?

"Flat line, Its when you willed to die"
But them bringing you back, its a ...
Ruthless way to say NICE TRY.

Its impressive I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm still alive.
Are you satisfied? I layed my life on the line.
I feel the leaking gas sinking in,
The oil stains on my jacket,
The smell of tar beneath me sinking in within me.
Rubber closer, closer the red sleak mobile coming closer.
I'd lay myself out on the ground.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
But sure, I'm right here. Standing infront of you
what do you want me to say?
Its impressive I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm still alive.
You asked me why?
I said Why? Go ahead tell me why?
You know why. You know why.
You admited it to me, you told me why. I saw it infront of me.
I saw it before my eyes.
You said tell me how it is.
How about You Tell me how it is,
Tell me what you've been hiding all along.
I'd face it,
You'd turn away.
I'd Turn to you,
You'd walk away.
I'd run for you.
I'd lay myself out on the ground.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
I'd lay my self on the line.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
Let the wheels fall into my spine.
But its a suprise I'm still alive.
My spine... My spine.. My spine...

Talked to Sam briefly tonight...watched Biodome and now I think I sleep...oh yeah talked to Jesssss woohhoo!!! And she helped me with my essay! <333 xoxox

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