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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-11-01 08:43:00

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Well this morning Jack woke me up at like 7am..."Hey we can register for classes!" WOOHOOO So I actually didn't care that it was damned early. I went to bed early last night anways. So while he's screaming at LCONNECT cause Safari and Lconnect don't work to well together I am looking for the stupid book that lists the classes. Finally I start registering and he's still cursing at LCONNECT. So finally he said fuck-it and went to class. I spent like an hour working on registering. It's such a pain in the ass. LCONNECT is the biggest piece of shit software and of course it runs on Windows...Finally after an hour of working with the stupid thing, I got it working. Yet again another semester of classes with none before 10am. No days free though and now I have 6 classes instead of 5, MATH and Physics...wonderful...so if I don't fail-out now I'll be more then likely to do it next semester...Can't do my math homework today cause I don't know how, shitty. Have class until 4 today. Again shitty...oh well at least I have these hawt pics of Sam and Jessica <333 haha

Well...I think that's all I need to say for now...I really just want to stop going to college and I just want to go home...3 more weeks and it's a shitty little break...No one knows how bad I need er want to see Sam...I wake up each just so it ends faster and brings me closer. If I had 1 trillion dollars I'd give it all just to see her. Hell if I had only 1 pie left...I still give it up to see her. Ok, well it's time that I go do something...like look at some C++ code or something, damn re-test today...and I gotta find some Kerry stuff...*sigh*

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