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jimmy ([info]jimmy) wrote,
@ 2004-11-03 08:41:00

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Bad Router!
Ok, this update is from last night but I couldn't post it because while I was posting the router/firewall decided to shit itself, so I am upping the reboots of the router/firewall to 3 times a day until I can get home to fix it in 3 weeks...AIYYEEE!!! On DJ and LJ...well if I can't update the SJ no one gets UPDATED!!!

Well this evening I did nothing but do work for other people. I completed like 5 ok maybe 2 more of Sams words. But then I spent like 2 hours configuring a photo album for her so she'll be able to upload her own photos whenever the hell she feels like it. And then she can access them from anywhere she wants, whenever she wants. And if she doesn't want it I can always delete it or give it to someone else. And then I spent like a couple hours configuring the new CS 1.6 server. It's called the WIT_151 Server [Beefy Tits] Hahah and then I had to set up MetaMOD and AdminMOD and PyschoStats...but it's all running nice. And tommorow I will probably do StatsMOD...Also it's going to work as an FTP and I'll put an 80GB in there and hopefully it'll work also works as a webserver.

Sams photo Gallery: http://sam.scenejournal.net

And now it's the morning and I think Bush has won 254 to 252...that better be wrong...or I am moving to fucking China or something...at least funny ol' Nina is there...and I have 3 classes...10-3 today, YICK! But tommorow I have 1 haha Later peoples!!! xox

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