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{000} Navigation [05 Jan 2031|10:59am]
These are just some public links for you to get to know me just a little better so you can see what we might have in common! Also an easier way for you to add me if you so choose to do so!

Johnny Depp - My collection of movies that I own. The ones that are strike out are the ones I currently have. I do own a ton of other movies aside from Johnny Depp. I'd love to hear about your movie collections!

Music / Movies - I enjoy a wide variety of music from heavy rock to classic country and nearly everything in between. Also this section show cases the non-Depp movies I have in collection, and yes, there is a vast range of them.

Games  - A list of games I enjoy playing and ways you can join in on all the fun!

Friendlies - Adding another friend to your list is now just a simple click away! Come on, we all know you really want to click it ;)

(this post is obviously still under construction and more things WILL be added to it.)


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