jamminjohnson ([info]jamminjohnson) wrote on January 22nd, 2012 at 06:14 pm
Johnny Johnson

NAME: Johnny Benjamin Johnson.
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 14?/August 28
GRADE: Freshman.
CLASS: lower middle class

Namey McName - Birth Father
Namey McName - Birth Mother
Adam Johnson - Older Brother
Trey Johnson - Younger Brother
SEXUALITY: Straight.

APPEARANCE: His dark hair is long, with it often falling in his eyes. Johnny does not have a clean cut appearance. At first impression, at least being judged by he appearance, he is definitely not the kind of guy most mothers or fathers would be okay with their daughter disappearing with or bringing home. His closet, or rather his draws, are filled with wrinkled old tee shirts or button down . Usually he is found in jeans and one of his many band tees. He smokes, he drinks and he does the occasional drugs. He has snake bite piercings under his bottom lip.

PLAYED BY: Matthew Lush

LIKES: heavy metal/rock/grunge/punk music - he is never without his ipod, concerts, video games, playing guitar, reading, writing, junk food, school (since it gets him out of the house), skateboarding, pot.

DISLIKES: sports, history, the way things are at home.

STRENGTHS: guitar, sports (he's good at them...he just doesn't like them)
WEAKNESSES: introverted, stubborn, somewhat angry, ADD, history.

DETAILED PERSONALITY: Johnny is intelligent. He's always had a penchant for philosophy. He is reading up on philosophy. It's always fascinated him. And he's always been full of questions.

He's somewhere between Agnostic and Atheist. He's not sure God doesn't exist but he's not exactly saying it doesn't. He's gotten into a debate on more than one occasion on this topic. Actually, he winds up in debates frequently on many topics.

He's a writer. His songs question the world around him. His lyrics are full of pain and heartache. Since he was fourteen his lyrics changed. They transformed from childish lyrics to deep, dark lyrics. Johnny favors acoustic guitars but he enjoys playing any guitar.

He doesn't open up easy. It's something he's always struggled with but he kind of closed down a few months ago when his mother passed. After that, walls went up. His guards went up. He doesn't let down the walls and guards he's built around himself for just anyone. His close friends can be counted on one hand.

HISTORY: Johnny was the second of three children. (His older brother Adam. Trey is his younger brother.) He was always a little bit different than the others. He didn't have a middle child complex or anything like that. He just seemed to keep more to himself. His two brothers were athletic, popular and extroverted. And he was the opposite.

His mother always sang the song 'Johnny B. Goode' to him. It was their song, their thing. She was much more about music and the arts while their father was a former football star that retired due to injury. He never connected as much with his father or brothers as he did with his mother. Johnny's mother was often accused of turning Johnny soft, of nurturing him too much. She just understood him better than anyone else.

For Christmas when he was nine years old his mother got him his first guitar. It was an acoustic guitar. He could tell it was on the expensive side. They never had much money and he felt horrible about it. His mother assured him that it was alright, that he had to keep it. It was his. He still has that guitar to this day.

A few months ago, he insisted that his mother to take him out for the new album that just came out by his favorite band. It was rare for him to be pesky and insistent but he'd made sure he saved up enough money. He needed to spend the next several hours listening to the sounds of his favorite band. His mother agreed, leaving his older brother Adam to care for their youngest brother, Trey, to wait for their father to get home. They were on the return trip home when a car making an illegal turn broad sided her car. The police were called and arrived on scene with an ambulance. The EMT's rushed the two of them to the hospital but there were complications. By the time they had even arrived on scene she had already lost a lot of blood. Johnny was banged up and stuck in the car. He was more than freaking out. They kept telling him not to move but he couldn't seem to listen. Johnny made it out of the ordeal, a little bumped and bruised but his mother…his mother passed away that night.

After the death of their mother, things between Adam and Johnny were strained. Adam blamed Johnny just as much as he blamed himself. If he hadn't insisted on getting the album that day, his mother would still be alive. His father tried to tell him that might not necessarily be the case. God had a plan for everyone and now was just her time. Johnny had never been one that believed in religion. It honestly sounded like something to make himself feel better for what had happened. Adam was right though. It was his fault.


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