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[06 Apr 2009|09:08pm]
player information!

NAME: Beanie
CONTACT wychboy@hotmail.com - email or MSN is fine!
FAVORITE BOOK: Too many to choose from - I really like the Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin.

character information!

CHARACTER'S BOOK(VERSE): The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

POINT IN CANON: At the very moment that her wand is broken by Edmund, the shattered magic triggers her release. She was just reaching out to stab him with the broken remains, when she was ripped abruptly from her own story, and thrust out into the wider world.
AFFILIATION: Rogue - I don't think this needs much explanation. She already hopped between other worlds in her own plotline, and now, with a whole host more to explore, she is not going to be one of the good guys.

DESIRED PB: Since its already well ingrained in our brains, I'd like Tilda Swinton - picture

CHARACTER'S APPEARENCE:Towering, imposing, and pale as snow, Jadis is beautiful, and terrifying. She stands at seven feet tall, but her figure is neither gangly, nor heavyset - it is feminine, with curves where they should be. Her hair is white blonde, twisted and pinned up carefully, to cultivate a majestic appearance. Her skin is flawless white, her lips the only part of her with any blush to them. Eyes a pale blue are set in a surprisingly attractive face, well proportioned, if undoubtedly set in a haughty expression. She dresses almost exclusivly in whites and golds, floor length dresses and a white fur mantle being her usual choice - though she is now rarely seen without a belt finged with the golden hair from a lions mane.

CHARACTER'S PERSONALITY: Jadis is a power hungry queen. She wants to rule, and believes it is truely her right. All should worship her, and serve her. She is jealous, and will not brook competition. She is ruthless - when she wants something, she will do anything to get it.
On the upside, she IS a born ruler. She knows how to engender loyalty in her subjects - and where she cannot get loyalty, respect and fear are almost as good. Intelligence, and a strong will mark her out, and are the reasons for her greatness in the past - but her own pride is often her downfall. She truely believes that she cannot be beaten, which can lead her to take risks - like leaving Edmund alive, rather than killing him immediately. She has something of the cat about her - she likes to play with her prey. She would much rather bring an enemy to her side, than kill him outright.

CHARACTER'S BACKGROUND:Jadis is descended from a long line of kings and queens. This line began well, with honorable, decent-hearted people, but it grew evil and malevolent over many generations. Charn's final queen, Jadis, a powerful sorceress, fought against her sister in a bloody war which almost ended in her own defeat. Rather than submit to her sister, Jadis spoke the Deplorable Word and left Charn devoid of life. She passes through the Wood between the Worlds, an endless forest filled with pools of water that act as portals to other worlds, including the worlds of Earth and Narnia. Charn is destroyed so utterly that when Jadis leaves its pool in the Wood, the pool dries to nothing. While in the Wood, she appears to lose health, strength, and magical ability. Through the reckless actions of Digory Kirke
, Jadis is transported to the world of Narnia at its creation, and she immediately starts scheming to become its mistress. She eats the Fruit of Everlasting Life, acquiring immortality and her white-colored skin; she then travels to the North to develop her magic anew, becoming the first of the "Northern Witches". She is the first to rebel in Narnia, and by the workings of the Deep Magic she is given ownership of all traitors and the right to kill them.
Jadis usurped power over Narnia, having magically forced the land into an "endless winter" during her reign, which as the book opens had lasted for a hundred years.

When the Pevensie children arrive in Narnia via Digory's magical wardrobe, it is explained to them that, according to an ancient prophecy, when two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve fill the four thrones at Cair Paravel as Kings and Queens of Narnia, the reign of the White Witch and the endless winter would end. Jadis is aware of the prophecy, and employs spies to tell her of any human that comes to Narnia.
After attempting to turn Edmund to her side, in an attempt to lure the children into her grasp, she fails, and decides to simply kill him - but Aslan's allies save him just in time. Readying herself for war, she gathers an army of dark creatures, and marches upon Aslan's army. In the battle her wand is destroyed, and it is at this moment that she is rudely ripped from her own story.

The White Witch's most notorious deed, aside from uttering the Deplorable Word that destroys Charn, is killing Aslan on the Stone Table (as a surrogate for Edmund), her right by the Deep Magic. 

(roughly drawn up and taken from wikipedia)

Since her 'escape' she has learned how to travel from book to book, and story to story. Her magic does not work in all of the worlds she visits - part of her own plot she cannot seem to escape (yet) - but enough remains for her to use and travel on to the next one. She has visited several works, and stayed for salient plot events - and has been building up a base of followers and 'allies' (who she considers pawns and dupes) to aid her. So far she has yet to reveal herself to any major characters, but she has a growing collection of minor characters and background characters who call her their leader. Her goals? Well, those are yet to come. She has 'damaged' (in her opinion, improved) several minor works of literature, leading their storylines down darker paths. Victorious villians owe her favours - and she has yet to call any of them in.


A single, perfect, white foot tapped themarble floor, its snowy slipper leaving no mark. "A dark lord. And a magic ring?" The white witches expression was bland, her eyes focussed elsewhere, as though thinking deeply about something. "I am not interesting in turning invisible, nor in involving myself in his petty war." Her icy blue gaze turned to look down upon her latest servant, an orc, lately liberated from the novel they were discussing. "If you can convince your brethren to join my cause, all to the good. If not..." she let the sentence trail off, her face turned to gaze upon a nearby statue, its expression frozen forever in a look of horror.
"Now leave me." A single arm lifted snake quick, pointing off to the side, an instant dismissal. She waited for a few moments, her fingers gliding down the silver and crystal wand she had lovingly recreated. This world was not what she was looking for. There were servants here for the taking, but it had little else to aid her plans. As the pathetic orc creature skulked out of sight, through the ruins of osgiliath, she sketched a figure in the air - and stepped forward, through a rip, and back into the half finished novel that she was using as her current home.

STORYLINES: So many possibilities! Obviously, she is still recruiting - some players may be approached, if she thinks they would work for (or with) her. This will be especially fun with those who have not yet travelled through rips - there are already a couple of characters I want to poke. Whether they work with her for a while, until realising her intentions, or whether they turn against her straight away, it could be fun!
Theft of items from books is another possibility.
And at some point, I'd like her to be caught in a modern day/sci-fi series/section. It'll throw her out of her element. And I'd love to see her wielding a pistol.

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