Journal of the Jade Priestess -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
♥Krystle Vincent♥

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[07 Feb 2008|08:16pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

ok is it a crime to move my claims community from GJ to here? all I want to do is give people more choices and its not like I'm taking people from [info]iam I just wanted to make it easier for people to get what they want.

I also hate the fact that everyone and there brother is jumping down my throat all because of this fight I am having with [info]aerith. stop treating me like I'm a piece of shit ok!!! this fight I'm having is between me and [info]aerith not all of you so just stop it!! I've had enough and defriending me just because you think that [info]aerith is an angel and I'm a devil is wrong!! you don't even know half of what she did here and you are taking everything that she says to heart and throwing out everything I say as if it doesn't matter!

I want Kitten as my friend again and I hate that she labled me as a bad friend before she knew the whole story. I just want this to end.....

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[ viewing | February 7th, 2008 ]
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