Journal of the Jade Priestess -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
♥Krystle Vincent♥

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[23 Jan 2008|07:55am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

I'm sorry to all who think I'm a bitch for making sure my family doesn't get a bad rep and to [info]glaceon your taking this whole thing and blowing it way out of proportion I was just letting people know that she was telling lies on my family!!

[info]aerith brought porno into my mothers house and I have an 11 year old brother that goes into my room and plunders it all the time. she also stole his Game boy DS and only returned it after mom confiscated her PSP.

you can't say you know her until you've lived with her and I mean it you all don't know her, you all only know her as how she makes herself look on the internet!! so don't go calling me names and saying shit about me just because I am telling you all the truth

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[ viewing | January 23rd, 2008 ]
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