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User:jackpine (10951)
And it took him to itself at last
landscape and sky
Name:Tom Thomson

layout: [info]sperme@LJ
Schools:None listed
People15:aurora_leigh, composedofnows, gloryanddream, hausmarchen, jackpine, kindermarchen, mandragola, manyminded, offtodeptford, queenofbithynia, shillingshocker, telltaleheart, thesoundingsea, truepenny, winepress
Friend of:71: actonbell, arcadiamods, armavirumque, asinodoro, aurora_leigh, backintheussr, bellesoeur, beyondanger, blackspring, collages, composedofnows, confessions, crucialinstance, currerbell, daughterofeve, delosingenios, doctus, echoesofwar, eitheror, ellisbell, finisterre, foolhardy, fugitivepieces, gloryanddream, graveleaf, houseoflife, idealhusband, illmet, jackpine, jumpatdesun, juvenal, kindermarchen, leftoverlife, makuranososhi, manofmalta, manyminded, martial, minorarcana, modernlothario, nodominion, nosoapradio, onceoutofnature, osceola, parveliber, persuademe, portuguese, queenofbithynia, raindrenched, roseandyew, saltypages, sangwyn, shillingshocker, strangevictory, superannuated, telltaleheart, tempusfugitive, theantichrist, thecrackup, thedrapier, thegooddoctor, themissus, truepenny, ubersehen, uncertainspring, undonne, whitestone, winepress, winterplans, wiseblood, withoutasummer, yesisaidyes
Member of:1: paperpeople
Account type:Early Adopter

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