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Cian Daly

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [31 Jan 2013|11:40am]
Jack O'Lantern- Cian Daly

Flying- Avoid ground attacks
Magic Lantern- A chance to count attacks against self with a fire energy attack


L1- Lantern's Fire- Single target magic fire energy ranged attack. Causing burning.

L2- Brawling- Single target unarmed melee.

L6- Mystic Fog- Grants all team members a chance to avoid single target attacks

L9- Lantern Blow- Single target magic fire energy melee attack. Exploits burning. Grants Mystic Fog Magic illusion which increases avoidance effect for single target attacks and a chance to avoid area target effects. Resets Mystic Fog turn countdown. Grants mystic might which increase Cian's attack for 2 turns. Has a four turn cooldown.
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[ viewing | January 31st, 2013 ]
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