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Cian Daly

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App [18 Feb 2012|10:47am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Cian Daly
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Cian is 6 feet tall and 176 lbs. He has Brown hair and hazel eyes.

Birthday: September 14
PB: (If using one.)Jay Ryan

Abilities: Cian possess the Fairy Lantern which he can use for various effects. He has also started to absorb the Lantern's powers into himself and continues to do so the longer he is around it.

The powers the lantern provides Cian are:
Flight- With the lantern he is capable of flying over a hundred miles per hour and without the lantern currently about 40 miles per hour

Flame Projection- With the lantern Cian is capable of producing flames, manipulating the flames he create, coating himself in his own fire unharmed, and powerful flame blasts. Without the lantern he is only capable of throwing flame blasts.

Teleportation- With the lantern he is capable of at least global range teleportation and without the lantern he can only teleport a few hundred miles

Illusion Casting- With the lantern Cian is capable of making powerful illusions that effect sight and hearing and without the lantern he isn't capable of anything beyond simple illusions

Super Strength- With the Lantern Cian is capable of lifting about 25 tons and without the lantern he is only capable of lifting 5 tons

Fog Generation- With the lantern Cian is able to create a dense fog over a few square miles and without the lantern he is only capable of creating a fog over a few square feet hundred feet

Trained Stuntman- Cian is a well trained stunt man and knows the basics of how to fight and various other things related to his work

Weaknesses and flaws: While capable of using his powers without the lantern he is much strong using them with it as he has not absorbed enough of it's power yet. While normally the Lantern can't be used by anyone who isn't family through powerful magic the Lantern can be forced to allow another to use it. All of his powers are based in magic.

Character location/Home: LA

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Relatives (living/dead?):Liam McHugh(Uncle), Daniel Cormack(Second-cousin)- deceased

Backstory: Born in Ireland Cian moved to New Zealand while he was still in primary school for work. He had a fairly normal childhood there and enjoyed extreme sports that he was able to do there.

After graduating from school he went into the film industry as a stunt man working on the movies that were often filmed in New Zealand. He eventually ended up moving to Hollywood for more job opportunity.

His cousin Liam gave him the fairy lantern as a house warming gift only telling him that it would give him the power to stay safe. Cian only find out how great a gift the lantern was later.

Cian has only had the lantern for about a year now and has tried his hand at heroing a little bit but does not have much experience there still.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Joining with the JLI
What are you planning to do with this character?: Learn how to be a better hero.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: JLI stuff

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