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「ℐuliet → ᶯott」 ([info]isthesun) wrote,
@ 2008-01-23 20:12:00

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Finally, I'm a brunette again.

Let it be known that the next time that anyone comes within twenty feet of me whilst brandishing hair dye is the day hell freezes over. Intoxicated or not.

In other news, I'm actually rather bored now that it seems Rhys Nott is leaving me alone about this whole 'we're dating' nonsense. I haven't had a good strongly-worded jab at him for quite some time. This may mean that I'm going to have to go twice as hard on the rest of you lot that I hate.

Emmeline, the best way to get rid of my brother's stalking problem is to pack mace, although I could certainly lend you the ninja stars in this case. All that goes to a good cause and whatnot.

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2008-01-24 03:22 am UTC (link)
The real reason ninja stars were created: pest removal.

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2008-01-24 03:25 am UTC (link)
To be honest, I think we might have to buy a bigger one. Is it necessary that the circumference increase with the size of the pest in question? Because I'm quite certain that'd be a bit difficult to toss.

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2008-01-24 03:35 am UTC (link)
I'm sure if you manage to hit the right spot it wouldn't matter the size.

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2008-01-24 11:28 pm UTC (link)
Good point. Can we test it out? I'm sure we could... tie him down to a table or something of the like.

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2008-01-25 03:31 am UTC (link)
Not a chance.

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2008-01-27 04:54 am UTC (link)
What's that? You think you have a choice?

Oh, brother. You slay me.

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